Robert Swinney
Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Technology
Fletcher Jones Faculty Scholar for 2012-2013
Email: [email protected]
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Academic Areas: Operations, Information and Technology
Professor Swinney's research addresses supply chain management issues with multiple parties in cooperative or competitive situations. Most recently, his work has focused on the effects of consumer purchasing behavior on operational decision-making, with primary applications in fashion apparel, retailing and manufacturing. He has also studied the interface of finance and operations (including methods of managing operational risk and the operations of start-up firms) and problems in supply chain contracting and coordination.
Robert Swinney is an Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Technology at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he teaches the core MBA course in operations management. His research focuses on multiple player problems in supply chain management with a particular concentration on the impact of strategic customer behavior on firm decision-making, a topic that blends aspects of the operations management, marketing, and economics disciplines. His domains of expertise include retailing, manufacturing, and the automotive, fashion, and consumer electronics industries. Prior to joining Stanford, Robert received a BS in Astronomy from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and received his PhD in Operations Management from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School in Philadelphia.
Academic Degrees
PhD, Operations Management, 2008, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania;
BS, Astronomy, 2002, California Institute of Technology
Professional Experience
At Stanford since 2008;
Development Analyst, Prosys Information Systems, 2003
Selected Publications
- Selling to Strategic Consumers When Product Value is Uncertain: The Value of Matching Supply and Demand: Management Science, 2011
- Capacity Investment Timing by Start-ups and Established Firms in New Markets: Management Science, 2011
- The Value of Fast Fashion: Quick Response, Enhanced Design, and Strategic Consumer Behavior: Management Science, 2011
- Purchasing, Pricing, and Quick Response in the Presence of Strategic Consumers: Management Science, 2009
- Long-Term Contracts Under the Threat of Supplier Default: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2009
Working Papers
- Product Quality Choice and Inventory Risk with Strategic Consumers, with S. Kim
- Risk Pooling with Strategic Customers
Awards and Honors
- Fletcher Jones Faculty Scholar, 2009, Stanford Graduate School of Business
- Management Science Distinguished Service Award, 2010, Management Science Journal
- Management Science Distinguished Service Award, 2009, Management Science Journal
- MSOM Meritorious Service Award, 2009, MSOM Journal
- MSOM Meritorious Service Award, 2008, MSOM Journal
Courses Taught
In The Media
- The Games Companies Play, US News & World Report
- Outsourcing May Be Slowing Down Apparel Firms, US News & World Report
- Here Today, Discounted Tomorrow: Strategic Shoppers Know When to Buy, and at What Price, Knowledge@Wharton