Ronald A Howard

Professor of Management Science (by courtesy)
Professor of Management Science and Engineering, School of Engineering

Phone: (650) 723-4176

Email: [email protected]

Academic Areas: Operations, Information and Technology


Improving the quality of decisions, life-and-death decision making, the creation of a coercion-free society.

Academic Degrees

BS, M.I.T., 1955, MS, 1956, EE, 1957, ScD, 1958. Asst.-Assoc. Prof. and Assoc. Director of Operations Research Center, M.I.T., 1958-65. Prof., Dept. of Engineering-Economic Systems, Stanford Univ., and Director, Decision and Ethics Center. At Stanford since 1965.

Selected Publications

  • On Making Life-and-Death Decisions: Societal Risk Assessment, How Safe Is Safe Enough? Plenum Press, 1980
  • Decision Analysis: Practice and Promise: Management Science, 34, 6, 1988
  • Knowledge Maps: Management Science, 35, 8,, 1989
  • In Praise of the Old-Time Religion: Utility Theories: Measurements and Applications Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992
  • vols. 1 and 2, Wiley & Sons, 1971
  • Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Operational Research, 1966
