Michael Ostrovsky

Associate Professor of Economics

Phone: (650) 724-7280

Email: [email protected]

Personal Homepage: https://faculty-gsb.stanford.edu/ostrovsky/


Academic Areas: Economics

Michael Ostrovsky’s research is in the areas of game theory, industrial organization, and finance. Most recently, he has analyzed information aggregation in financial markets, the properties of internet advertising auctions, stability in vertical networks, and voting in shareholder meetings.


Michael Ostrovsky is an Associate Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he teaches Managerial Economics in the first year of the MBA program and Topics in Market Design in the PhD program. His research primarily concerns game-theoretic issues related to mechanism design, industrial organization, and corporate finance. Most recently, he has examined information aggregation in financial markets, the design of Internet advertising auctions, the structure of stable vertical networks, and the forces influencing proxy voting by mutual funds in shareholder meetings.

Michael received his BAS in Mathematics and Economics from Stanford University and his PhD in Business Economics from Harvard University.

Academic Degrees

PhD, Business Economics, Harvard Univ., 2005; AM, Economics, 2003; BAS, Mathematics, Economics, Stanford Univ., 1999.

Professional Experience

At Stanford since 2005.

Selected Publications

  • Stability in Supply Chain Networks: American Economic Review, 2008
  • Cross-Ownership, Returns, and Voting in Mergers: Journal of Financial Economics, 2008
  • Internet Advertising and the Generalized Second Price Auction: American Economic Review, 2007
  • Simple Estimators for the Parameters of Discrete Dynamic Games: RAND Journal of Economics, 2007
  • Adoption of Standards under Uncertainty: RAND Journal of Economics, 2005

Working Papers

  • 1964: Strategic Proxy Voting
  • 1965: Information Disclosure and Unraveling in Matching Markets
  • 2053: Information Aggregation in Dynamic Markets with Strategic Traders
  • 2054: Reserve Prices in Internet Advertising Auctions: A Field Experiment
  • 1917: Internet Advertising and the Generalized Second Price Auction: Selling Billions of Dollars Worth of Keywords
  • 1921: Cross-Ownership, Returns, and Voting in Mergers: Conflicts of Interest among Shareholders
  • 1923: Synchronization under Uncertainty

Courses Taught


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