Michael Ostrovsky
Associate Professor of Economics
Stanford Graduate School of
655 Knight Way
Stanford, CA 94305
Email: ostrovsky at
gsb dot stanford dot edu
Phone: (650)
Working papers
- Information Aggregation in Dynamic
Markets with Strategic Traders,
Econometrica, forthcoming.
- Heterogeneity and Peer Effects in Mutual
Fund Proxy Voting (with Gregor Matvos), Journal of Financial Economics, v. 98(1), October 2010, pp. 90-112.
- Information Disclosure and Unraveling in
Matching Markets (with Michael Schwarz), American Economic Journal:
Microeconomics, v. 2(2), May 2010, pp. 34-63.
- Two-Sided Matching with Interdependent Values
(with Archishman Chakraborty and Alessandro Citanna), Journal of Economic Theory,
v. 145(1), January 2010, pp. 85-105.
- Cross-Ownership, Returns, and Voting in
Mergers (with Gregor Matvos), Journal of Financial Economics,
v. 89(3), September 2008, pp. 391-403.
- Stability in Supply Chain Networks,
American Economic Review, v. 98(3), June 2008, pp. 897-923.
- Simple Estimators for the Parameters
of Discrete Dynamic Games, with Entry/Exit Examples (Ariel Pakes,
Michael Ostrovsky, and Steve Berry), RAND Journal of Economics, v.
38(2), Summer 2007, pp. 373-399.
- Internet Advertising and the Generalized Second
Price Auction: Selling Billions of Dollars Worth of Keywords (with
Benjamin Edelman and Michael Schwarz), American Economic Review, v.
97(1), March 2007, pp. 242-259.
- Strategic Bidder Behavior in Sponsored
Search Auctions (with
Benjamin Edelman), Decision Support Systems, v. 43(1), February 2007,
pp. 192-198.
- Synchronization under Uncertainty
(with Michael Schwarz), International Journal of Economic Theory, v.
2(1), March 2006, pp. 1-16.
- Adoption of Standards under Uncertainty
(with Michael Schwarz), RAND Journal of Economics, v. 36(4), Winter
2005, pp. 817-833.
Book Review
- Mgtecon 615 - Topics in Market Design (PhD).
- Mgtecon 200/203 - Managerial Economics (MBA).