James M Patell
Herbert Hoover Professor of Public and Private Management
Katherine and David DeWilde Faculty Fellow for 2012-2013
Phone: (650) 723-2765
Email: [email protected]
Academic Areas: Operations, Information and Technology
James Patell’s research and teaching interests center on business process and product design, operations management, manufacturing, and cost accounting. A popular and demanding teacher, Patell has authored numerous articles in the field of accounting. During his tenure as associate dean for academic affairs in the GSB, he redesigned and revitalized the Public Management Program, which focuses on government, nonprofit organizations, and public service. Patell is a founding faculty member of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (the d-School), where he teaches courses on Design for Extreme Affordability and Design for Service Innovation.
James Patell is the Herbert Hoover Professor of Public and Private Management at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. Professor Patell earned Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a PhD in Industrial Administration from Carnegie Mellon University. He has taught at Stanford since 1975, and he was a Ford Foundation Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Chicago from 1981-1982.
Professor Patell served as the Business School’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from 1985 through 1991, and was Director of Stanford's MBA Program from 1986 through 1988. He was the founding director of the Stanford-ITESM Strategic Executive Program in Mexico, and served as Codirector of the Product Realization Network at Stanford, a cooperative research and educational program involving the Business School and the Engineering School, together with industrial partners. Before entering the Dean’s office, Professor Patell's research centered on empirical investigations of the effects of corporate disclosures on the stock and option markets. More recently, he has conducted research and taught courses on product and service design, manufacturing, technology, and operations management, including new courses on Computer Modeling, Total Quality Management, Manufacturing Performance Measurement, and Business Process Design. In 1998 he received the MBA Distinguished Teaching Award, and in 2007 he was awarded both the Robert T. Davis Faculty Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Graduate School of Business and the Miriam Aaron Roland Award for Volunteer Service at Stanford University.
Professor Patell is one of the seven founding core faculty of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (the d-School). Within the d-School, Professor Patell co-teaches Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability with Professor David Beach. In this course, student teams collaboratively design product prototypes, distribution systems, and business plans for entrepreneurial ventures that address poverty in developing countries. In 2011, Professor Patell and his colleague Professor Stefanos Zenios launched a new project-based course on the Design of Medical Services.
Professor Patell is a Director of D-Rev, a non-profit technology incubator whose mission is to improve the health and incomes of people living on less than $4 per day. He has served as a Director of Reliant Building Products, Inc., of Grove Worldwide, and of the Center for the Quality of Management-West, and as an advisor to the Corporate Design Foundation and to Vykor, Inc. He was a founding Director of Ignite Innovations and of the Management Institute for Environment and Business.
Academic Degrees
PhD, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1977; MS, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1974; MS, M.I.T., 1972; BS, M.I.T., 1972
Professional Experience
At Stanford since 1975.
Assoc. Dean for Academic Affairs, Graduate School of Business, Stanford Univ., 1985-91; Director, Stanford MBA Program, 1986-88; Ford Foundation Visiting Assoc. Prof., Univ. of Chicago, 1981-82; Instructor, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1974-75; M.I.T., 1969-72; Research Staff, Advanced Marine Technology Division, Litton Industries, 1968-69;
Selected Publications
- Measuring Delivery Performance: A Case Study from the Semiconductor Industry: Measures for Manufacturing Excellence, 1990
- The Role of Statistics in Accounting, Marketing, Finance, and Production: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1988
- Adapting a Cost Accounting System to Just-In-Time Manufacturing: Accounting and Management: Field Study Perspectives, 1987
- Cost Accounting, Process Control, and Product Design: Accounting Review, 1987
- The Experimental Design of Classification Models: An Application of Recursive Partitioning and Bootstrapping to Commercial Bank: Journal of Accounting Research, 1984
- The Intraday Speed of Adjustment of Stock Prices to Earnings and Dividend Announcements: Journal of Financial Economics, 1984
- Decentralized Choice of Monitoring Systems: Accounting Review, 1984
- Good News, Bad News, and the Intraday Timing of Corporate Disclosures: Accounting Review, 1982
- Accumulating Damages in Litigation: The Roles of Uncertainty and Interest Rates: Journal of Legal Studies, 1982
- The Ex Ante and Ex Post Price Effects of Quarterly Earnings Announcements Reflected in Option and Stock Prices: Journal of Accounting Research, 1981
- Anticipated Information Releases Reflected in Call Option Prices: Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1979
- The API and the Design of Experiments: Journal of Accounting Research, 1979
- Corporate Forecasts of Earnings Per Share and Stock Price Behavior: Empirical Tests: Journal of Accounting Research, 1976
Working Papers
- 674: Decentralized Choice of Monitoring Systems
- 489: The API and the Design of Experiments
- 602: The Ex Ante and Ex Post Price Effects of Quarterly Earnings Announcements Reflected in Options and Stock Prices
- 612: The Intraday Timing of Corporate Disclosures
- 716: The Intraday Speed of Adjustment of Stock Prices to Earnings and Dividend Announcements
- 483: Anticipated Information Releases Reflected in Call Option Prices
Awards and Honors
- MBA Distinguished Teaching Award, 1998, Stanford Graduate School of Business
- Robert T. Davis Faculty Award for Lifetime Achievement, 2007, Stanford Graduate School of Business
- Miriam Aaron Roland Volunteer Service Prize, 2007, Stanford University
Courses Taught
- Board of Directors: MBA Enterprise Corps (1990-92), Management Institute for Environment and Business (1990-96), Corporate Design Foundation (1990- (1901 - present)
- Editorial Board: Journal of Accounting Research, (1979- ), Journal of Management Accounting Research (1995- ), Journal of Accoun (1974 - present)
In The Media
- LED Lamps Light the Way, Stanford GSB News & Pubs
- Peeved By Queues, Manufacturing Experts Line Up Solutions to The Waiting Game, Stanford Report