Ivan Marinovic
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Phone: (650) 725-2030
Email: [email protected]
Personal Homepage: https://faculty-gsb.stanford.edu/marinovic/index.html
CV: MarinovicCV
Academic Areas: Accounting
Professor Iván Marinovic's research is in the area of applications of economics and information in accounting and finance. In particular, his recent research focuses on issues of disclosure, earnings management and optimal standards.
Iván Marinovic joined the Stanford Graduate School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Accounting in July 2011. Before joining the Stanford GSB, he taught microeconomics in the Business Department of Universidad de los Andes, Chile. Professor Marinovic’s research focuses on applications of economics of information in accounting and finance. Professor Marinovic earned a BA degree in Economics and MA in Financial Economics, both in 2001, from the Catholic University of Chile. He also earned a Master's degree in Economic Theory from the Toulouse School of Economics in 2007 and a PhD in Accounting, Information and Management from the Kellogg School of Management in 2011.
Academic Degrees
Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management, Evanston, IL - PhD in Accounting, Information and Management, August 2011 ~ Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse, France - Master in Economic Theory, 2007 ~ Catholic University of Chile, Santiago Chile - Master in Financial Economics, 2001
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor of Accounting (July 2011 --present), Stanford University, Graduate School of Business Lecturer of Economics (March 2001-September 2005), Universidad de los Andes, Chile
Selected Publications
- Ivan Marinovic, Marco Ottaviani and Peter Norman Sorensen, “Modeling Idea Markets: Between Beauty Contests and Prediction Markets”: Prediction Markets: Theory and Applications: Routledge, 2011
- Forecasters' Objectives and Strategies: Handbook of Economic Forecasting, Volume 2, July 2011: Elsevier, 2011
Working Papers
- Internal Control System, Earnings Quality and the Dynamics of Financial Reporting
- Efficiency Implications of Alternative Methods for Acquisition Accounting
- Optimal Contracts with Performance Manipulation (with Anne Beyer and Ilan Guttman)
- Certification vs. Credibility in the Presence of Soft Information (with Jeremy Bertomeu)
- The Credibility of Performance Feedback in Tournaments (submitted)
- Competition in Contracts with Performance Manipulation
- Earnings Quality: Theory and Evidence (with Anne Beyer and Ilan Guttman)
Awards and Honors
- Fellowship, 2011, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
- Best Paper in Economics, 2006, European Science Days, Director Prof. Philippe Aghion, Steyr, Austria
- President, 2005, Republic Scholarship for Doctoral Studies, Government of Chile
- Alban Scholarship for Doctoral Studies, 2005, European Commission
Courses Taught
- ACCT 215: Managerial Accounting: Accelerated