Haim Mendelson
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Professor of Electronic Business and Commerce,and Management Director of the Stanford Global Supply Chain Management Forum
Phone: (650) 725-8927
Email: [email protected]
Academic Areas: Operations, Information and Technology
Professor Mendelson leads the School’s efforts in studying electronic business and its interaction with organizations and markets, and incorporating their implications into the School’s curriculum and research. His research interests include electronic business, the information industries, electronic markets, organizational IQ, and market microstructure. He has introduced the "Organizational IQ" concept which quantifies an organization’s ability to use information to make quick and effective decisions. He has been elected Distinguished Fellow of the Information Systems Society in recognition of outstanding intellectual contributions to the Information Systems discipline. His papers have been published in leading journals in the areas of information systems, finance, management science, economics, and statistics.
Haim Mendelson is the Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Professor of Electronic Business and Commerce, and Management at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He has been full professor at Stanford since 1989, following ten years of service at the Graduate School of Management at the University of Rochester. He has been elected Distinguished Fellow of the Information Systems Society in recognition of outstanding intellectual contributions to the Information Systems discipline. He has published more than a hundred research papers and more than 30 company case studies. His work was published in leading journals in the areas of information systems, finance, economics, management science, and statistics. He coauthored the book Survival of the Smartest that introduced the concept of Organizational IQ to quantify the ability of a company or organization to use information to make quick and effective decisions.
At the University of Rochester, he received a University Mentor award in recognition of outstanding service to the University, managed a large-scale research center studying the management of information systems, and was the Computer and Information Systems Area Coordinator. At Stanford he served or serves as codirector of the School’s Center for Electronic Business and Commerce; the Operations, Information and Technology Area Coordinator, director of the executive programs on Electronic Commerce and Information Strategy for Competitive Advantage; codirector of the executive programs on Strategic Uses of Information Technology and Strategy and Entrepreneurship in the Information Technology Industry; member of the Editorial Board of the Stanford University Press; and Chair of the University’s faculty committee overseeing distributed computing and administrative information systems. He teaches electronic business and commerce and leads the School’s efforts in incorporating their implications into its curriculum and research. He is or has been Associate Editor or member of the Editorial Board of Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Information Systems Research.
Professor Mendelson has been a consultant to leading high-technology companies, stock exchanges, financial services companies, management consulting companies, and industrial companies. Prior to joining academia, he served as Chief Systems Analyst of the Logistics Information Systems Center of the Israel Defense Forces. He directs and teaches in a number of executive education programs in the areas of electronic commerce, supply chain management, information technology strategy, organizational change, entrepreneurship, financial modeling, and general management and has served as an expert witness in these areas.
Academic Degrees
PhD, Tel Aviv Univ., 1979, MSc, 1977, BSc, Hebrew Univ., 1972.
Professional Experience
At Stanford since 1989.
Graduate School of Business Trust Faculty Fellow for 2006-07; Codirector, Center for Electronic Business and Commerce, 1999-2005; Graduate School of Business Trust Faculty Fellow for 1996-97; Graduate School of Business Faculty Fellow for 1991-92; Asst. Prof.-Prof., Simon School, Univ. of Rochester, 1979-89; Univ. of Rochester Mentor, 1985-86, in recognition of outstanding service to the university.
Selected Publications
- Strategic Spot Trading in Supply Chains: Management Science, 2007
- Competitive Customization: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2007
- Pricing and Priority Auctions in Queueing Systems with a Generalized Delay Cost Structure: Management Science, 2004
- Strategic Trading, Liquidity and Information Acquisition: Review of Financial Studies, 2004
- An Extreme-Value Model of Concept Testing: Management Science, 2001
Working Papers
- 1476: Information Technology and Time-Based Competition in Financial Markets
- 1413: Information and Organization for Horizontal Multimarket Coordination
- 1379: A New Approach to the Regulation of Trading Across Securities Markets
- 1359: Information and Organization for Horizontal Multimarket Coordination
- 1116: Liquidity, Maturity and the Yields on U.S. Treasury Securities
- 1117: Volatility, Efficiency and Trading: Evidence from the Japanese Stock Market
- 1119: An Empirical Analysis of Software and Hardware Spending
- 1248: Further Evidence on the Risk-Return Relationship
Selected Cases
- EC37: Skype Technologies, S.A.
- EC39: Social Games
- OIT103: Electronic Medical Records System Implementation at Stanford Hospital and Clinics
- E414: Prototyping: A Quick Introduction
- EC13: Broker.com
- EC21: Online Advice and Guidance
- GS5: E-Greetings Network
- EC28: CheckFree
- OIT15: A Note on the Internet
- EC25: Amazon.com: Marching Toward Profitability
- EC32: Tesco Delivers
- EC17: Dell Direct
- EC24: Gateways to the Internet: AOL & Yahoo!
- EC18: Schwab.com
- EC34: Speeding Tickets: Internet Distribution And The Travel Industry
- EC34: Speeding Tickets: Internet Distribution And The Travel Industry
Awards and Honors
- Distinguished Fellow, in Recognition of Outstanding Intellectual Contributions to the Information Systems Discipline, 2009, The INFORMS Information Systems Society
- Best Paper in Information Systems Economics prior to 1999, 1999, Workshop on Information System and Economics
- All Star Paper: Asset Pricing and the bid-Ask Spread, 2001, Journal of Financial Economics
- All Star Paper: Dealership Market: Market-Making with Inventory, 2001, Journal of Financial Economics
- University Mentor, 1986, University of Rochester
Courses Taught
- GSBGEN 535: Emerging Network-Based Consumer Services
- OIT 256: Electronic Business (Accelerated)
- OIT 356: Electronic Business
- Assoc. Editor: Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery
- Editorial Board: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Information Systems Research
- Member: American Economic Assn., Econometric Society, American Finance Assn., Institute of Management Science
In The Media
- Entrepreneurs can profit by riding on the coattails of stars, Los Angeles Times
- IT Education and The Modern-Day MBA, CIO Insight
- What Can Google Learn From Netscape's Downfall, PC World
- The Leaky Corporation, The Economist
- Broadband lag could hurt the U.S., CNN
- Haim Mendelson : Le Respect De La Vie Privée Sur Le Net Est La Règle En Europe Mais L'exception Aux Etats-Unis, Les Echos
- El Comercio Electrónico No Ha Muerto, Sólo Se Ha Desinflado La Exageración, 5Dias.com
- Pencil trumps keyboard at tax time, CBS Marketwatch
- What Top Programs Deliver, Computerworld
- IT-Business Alignment: Beyond Friendship, CIO Insight
- Organizational IQ: How Smart Companies Use Technology For World-Class Performance, Teradata Executive Center
- Nasdaq lands belle of IPO ball, The Boston Globe
- The fab five: When the economy turned sour, few companies had what it took to survive, let alone thrive, Red Herring
- Web Sites that Work, Information Week
- These Days, Microsoft Isn't So Scary, Business Week
- Broadband (interview with B. Francisco), CBS Marketwatch
- Re-election could boost telecom sector, Contra Costa Times
- Leveraging IT With Mergers--And Divestitures, Information Week
- Mozilla Mania, San Jose Mercury News
- The World According to eBay, Business 2.0
- An Insider's Guide to America's Top Business Schools, Business 2.0
- The Best Universities And Regions For Finding Talent, Optimize
- Probe targets Google executive, The Boston Globe
- Next@CNN: Electronic Trading, CNN
- Analysts Speculate About Google's Choice of Nasdaq, E-Commerce Times
- Case Study, ChevronTexaco: Measuring Results, CIO Insight
- The Japanese Model - Shifts in Comparative Advantage Due to the IT Revolution and Modularization, Japanese trade and Industry
- Writing the codes on blogs: Companies figure out what's OK, what's not in online realm, San Francisco Chronicle
- Microsoft violated antitrust law, judge rules, Upside Today
- Many IT bigwigs coming to Seoul, The Korea Herald
- Tech seen more wide open after Microsoft ruling, Reuters
- Informs-Korms 2000, Korean Economic Daily
- Interview with Professor Haim Mendelson, Arirang News, Arirang TV, Korea
- Vision 21 - SEIT 99, KBS-TV
- Tech Sweepstakes, The Columbus Dispatch
- Does Microsoft ruling mean trouble for IPOs?, Upside
- A monopoly game with new rules, The Christian Science Monitor
- Microsoft ruling may benefit consumers in long run, Agence France Presse
- Dot Com Companies, National Public Radio, Morning Edition
- The ABCs Of E-Business -- E-Transformation is Forcing IT and Business Managers to Relearn their Roles, InformationWeek
- MBA-IT Cross-Training at The University Level, InformationWeek
- Biz-to-Biz the Latest Internet Craze, The Philadelphia Inquirer
- Siebel's Silicon Seer, Business Week
- The rise and fall of dot-com dreams, San Jose Mercury News, p. 1
- Automate or Die, eCompany Now
- 25 Leaders for a Dangerous Time, Business Week
- Improving, The Yomiuri Shimbun - Japan
- Executive Makeover: 10 Surefire ways to boost your technology I.Q., Darwain Magazine
- Contract Workers: Life As a Yo-yo, San Jose Mercury
- How Dot com Fever Taught Stanford a Lesson, London Daily Telegraph
- Work in Progress: Four IT pundits speculate what the future holds for the working world, CIO
- Learning is No Longer a Luxury, Infoworld
- Squashing the Bug, The Columbus Dispatch
- At Business Schools, Students Learn to Mine Data on Consumer Behavior, Chronicle for Higher Education
- The Pacific Stock Exchange Goes Electronic, National Public Radio
- Hurr-E Up: B-Schools to get E-Business Courses and Resources up to Speed, AACSB Newsline
- E-Commerce Programs: Separate or Integrated?, CNet Radio
- After-Hours Trading Arrives to the Small Investor, Fox News
- Electronic Trading, Fox 2000 TV News
- School Choice, CIO Enterprise Magazine
- Web-Smart 50: Dell's Second Web Revolution, Business Week
- Pensare Taps Leading Stanford Professors for Development of eCommerce Online Learning Program, PR Newswire
- Unconventional Wisdom, Smart Business
- Silicon Valley model goes global, San Jose Mercury News
- Speed is the key to survival, San Jose Mercury News
- Those Pressed for Time Spend More Time On line, The San Deigo Union Tribune
- Profit Centers vs. Cost Centers, Computerworld
- E-Commerce Strategies, Computerworld
- Book Explores Keys to Management, Company IQ, The Des Moines Register
- Ideas.com: How to Get Smarter, pp. 292-298
- Why Computer Manufacturing Jobs Lag PC Use, San Jose Mercury News
- Mergers Delete Jobs in Making of Computers, The Commercial Appeal
- High-Tech Windows Are Closing; Computer-Making Jobs are Dwindling, The Richmond Times Dispatch
- Work & Money, The Des Moines Register
- Schools Teach Managing In Internet Age, The Toronto Star
- Raise the IQ Of Your Marketing Organization, Internet Week
- Business QuickStudy: Net Present Value (NPV) and Cost of Capital, ComputerWorld
- MBAs Learn Managing in Net Age, Reuters
- Pioneer Payoff, Info World
- Sobering Signs from a High-Tech Revolution, The Christian Science Monitor
- Business School Announces New Endowed Chairs, Faculty to Fill Them, The Christian Science Monitor
- As Dust Settles in Silicon Valley Scholars and Practitioners Ask: What's Next, The Christian Science Monitor
- The Risky Business of Going Public, The Christian Science Monitor
- Organizational IQ: Management Idea for the 21st Century, The Christian Science Monitor