Event Calendar

PhD Recruiting Calendar 2012

Interested in learning more about the Stanford PhD Program? Doctoral representatives regularly visit colleges and universities to share information about the Stanford PhD Program, the student experience, and admission process.

Stop by any of the listed events where you will have an opportunity to ask questions.






Doctoral Information Session Stanford, CA October 19, 2012

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Knight Management Center, M104 (Class of '99 Classroom)

12 - 1PM
Thurman Marshall Leadership Graduate Fair New York, NY October 29, 2012 Hilton Towers, New York, NY 10 - 1 PM
CA Forum For Diversity In Graduate Education San Francisco, CA November 3, 2012 San Francisco State University 12 - 3PM
McNair Research Conference & Grad Fair Lake Geneva, WI November 9-10, 2012 Grand Geneva, WI TBA
Doctorate in Business & Recruiting Fair Chicago, IL November 14, 2012 University of Illinois TBA
The PhD Project Chicago, IL November 15, 2012 Hyatt Regency, Chicago TBA