While we know that scores on standardized tests do not always portray your abilities accurately, they still play a helpful role as one piece of an application.

We consider your test scores within the context of factors such as the resources available to you, the educational procedures within your university and country, etc.


  • If you have an undergraduate or graduate degree from a college or university where instruction was provided in English, you are exempt from taking the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE.
    • All instruction must have been provided in English. You must take the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE if some classes were taught in a language other than English.
  • The minimum TOEFL score for study at Stanford University is 250 for the computer-based test (CBT), 100 for the internet-based test (iBT), or 600 for the paper-based test (PBT).
  • The minimum IELTS overall band score for study at the Stanford MBA Program is 7.0.
  • The minimum PTE overall score for study at the Stanford MBA Program is 68.
  • TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE scores are valid for two years and must be taken before submitting your application. The scores must be valid on the deadline date of the round in which you apply.
  • Use the TOEFL-IELTS-PTE Calculator  to find out if your test scores will be valid for the application round in which you wish to apply.
  • You must instruct the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to send your official TOEFL scores directly to Stanford University (school code 4704). For the IELTS, report your scores directly to the Stanford MBA Program. For the PTE, report your scores to the Stanford MBA Program.
  • Self-report your scores on the Application Form. These are the scores we will consider in our evaluation of your application.
  • If you have taken the TOEFL, IELTS or PTE more than once, report only the scores that you wish us to consider while reviewing your application. We do not average scores. The scores you report must be from the same testing session.
  • If your test scores are not available by the deadline in which you applied, please enter the date of the test and report test scores as "0"
  • If you do not take the test prior to submission, your application will be reviewed as is.

Are you required to take the TOEFL-IELTS-PTE?

The following examples illustrate whether or not you are required to take the TOEFL-IELTS-PTE:

  • Xiaogu from China went to Beijing for his undergraduate degree. Since the language of instruction was Mandarin, he is required to take the TOEFL-IELTS-PTE.
  • Ning from China got her undergraduate degree in London and is not required to take the TOEFL-IELTS-PTE because the language of instruction was English.
  • James from the United Kingdom went to Germany for his undergraduate degree and is required to take the TOEFL-IELTS-PTE (even though he is a native English speaker) because the language of instruction at the university was German.
  • Suki from Japan received her undergraduate degree from a US college where the language of instruction was all in English and is therefore not required to take the TOEFL-IELTS-PTE.
  • Fayza from Pakistan went to school in Islamabad where the language of instruction at her university was entirely in English, therefore she is not required to take the TOEFL-IELTS-PTE.
  • Chin from China went to Shanghai for her undergraduate degree but then went to Sydney for a graduate degree. Chin is not required to take the TOEFL-IELTS-PTE because the TOEFL-IELTS-PTE requirement is waived for any applicant with an undergraduate or graduate degree from a university at which the sole language of instruction is English.

updated 28 September 2012