Joint & Dual Degree Programs

Solutions to complex problems often involve leveraging multiple perspectives. Stanford understands this. Few universities, if any, offer the breadth of excellence across disciplines that Stanford does.

All MBA students may take courses in any graduate school at Stanford. Some students, however, pursue a second degree to complement the MBA. All joint and dual degree programs are rigorous, full-time programs that integrate a comprehensive set of MBA classes at the GSB with coursework at another School.

Combining degrees enables students to develop their individual passions and academic interests into a powerful management skill set. Most importantly, rather than learning in two separate and disconnected educational environments, students pursue their interests in an integrated fashion. From day one, dual degree students are immersed in an intellectual and creative environment with thought leaders and others who share their passions, perspectives, and practices.

The education of our dual and joint degree students is further enhanced by the GSB's ties with other Stanford Schools and their communities.


The following list shows the joint and dual degree programs offered between the Stanford Graduate School of Business and other Schools at Stanford University:

  • Bioengineering/MBA
  • Education/MBA 
  • Environment & Resources/MBA
  • Law/MBA
  • Medicine/MBA
  • Public Policy/MBA

For more information, see our detailed list of
Joint & Dual Degree Programs.