Stanford Associated Religions (SAR)
The Office for Religious Life oversees and provides support for Stanford Associated Religions (SAR), some 40 religious organizations invited to offer their spiritual services to the campus. All SAR organizations, individual members and advisors pledge:
(a) to promote the moral and spiritual growth of the Stanford University community;
(b) to support Stanford’s steady exercise of free inquiry and its pursuit of the highest standards of intellectual and moral excellence;
(c) to represent that group and its purposes forthrightly, while at the same time treating with respect the religious traditions and activities of others; and
(d) to safeguard the religious freedom, human dignity, conscience and personal spiritual welfare of all members of the university.
In addition to the groups that comprise SAR, roughly a dozen student religious organizations affiliate only through the Office of Student Activities.
To get updates about upcoming events hosted by Stanford Associated Religions Groups, join the mailing list:
SAR Directory
Atheists, Humanists, and Agnostics at Stanford (AHA!)
President: Armand Rundquist, [email protected], 435-713-5343
Professional Leader: Jonathan Figdor, [email protected], 914-954-3276
Advisor: Prof. Franco Moretti 650-723-4590 [email protected]
Atheists, Humanists, and Agnostics (AHA!) at Stanford holds biweekly discussion meetings on topics of interest to nonreligious students. We also organize larger educational events, such as guest lectures, of more general interest to the university community. All events are open to anyone, and we welcome friendly and respectful dialogue with religious students and student organizations.
Baha’i Association
President: Sadaf Sobhani 530-902-5982 [email protected]; David Khavari 650-714-1506 [email protected]
Advisor: Dr. Paul Khavari [email protected]
The Baha’i Association at Stanford is a student organisation devoted to the Baha’i Faith, the study of its teachings and the promotion of its principles. The Baha’i Association at Stanford works to promote the essential oneness of humanity: to foster a spirit of fellowship and love among all peoples and to break down the racial, religious and other prejudices that are the greatest barriers to peace and unity in the world today.
Buddhist Community Association at Stanford (BCAS)
President: Sin Yee Koh 650-804-1772 [email protected]; Martin Tjioe 2177218810 [email protected]
Advisor: Dr. Carl Bielefeldt 650-723-0469 [email protected]; Dr. Irene Lin [email protected]
The Buddhist Community at Stanford is an ecumenical group dedicated to creating a supportive community for Buddhist study and practice. We welcome experienced Buddhists from different traditions as well as people who are exploring. Our activites include: daily sitting periods, meditation classes, study groups, visits to local monasteries, Dharma talks, social gatherings, community service and more!
World Peace Buddhists
President: Erika Roach 951-609-5063 [email protected]
Advisor: Nora Richardson 650-498-9427 [email protected]
World Peace Buddhists promotes the practice of Nichiren Buddhism, and the associated humanistic values on peace, culture and education, with emphasis on applying these principles in our daily lives. We’re affiliated with Soka Gakkai International, a worldwide Buddhist organization that embraces these values. We hold Buddhism introductory sessions for students of all backgrounds to learn about the wisdom of Buddhist teachings. We also hold chanting sessions for students to experience the more spiritual aspect of the practice.
A2 Christian Fellowship (A2CF)
President: Jason Bau 650-497-3075 [email protected];
Professional Leader: Rev. Chris Pak 408-569-6392 [email protected]
Advisor: Scott Limb 408-489-9875 [email protected]
A2 Christian Fellowship is affliated with Bridgeway Church of Silicon Valley, a nearby community church. We have regular weekly Bible Studies. Each week, A2CF will provide you with thought-provoking discussions, good food (free dinner!) and a fun time of fellowship with friends! We also offer small groups for undergraduate and graduate students.
Acts Graduate Christian Fellowship (AGCF)
President: Eleanor Lin 617-595-0636 [email protected]
Professional Leader: Rev. Chris Pak 408-569-6392 [email protected]
Advisor: Scott Limb 408-489-9875 [email protected]
Acts Graduate Christian Fellowship is affliated with Bridgeway Church of Silicon Valley, a nearby community church. We have weekly Bible Studies on Friday nights for graduate and undergraduate students, usually after a nice homemade dinner. We also have small groups that meet during the week. We are a close knit community that share the word of God, and support each other in personal ways through our graduate careers at Stanford.
Cardinal Life (CL)
President: Austin Trinkle 562-714-6110 [email protected]; Luke Amuchastegui 541-973-8586 [email protected]
Professional Leader: Dr. Ron Sanders 650-814-7196 [email protected]; Bonnie Sanders 650-561-4277 [email protected]
Advisor: Trent Wiesen 650-269-4926 [email protected]; Natalie Wiesen 303-918-5683 [email protected]
Cardinal Life is a community of faith seeking to grow in intimacy with God and fellowship with one another, while creatively engaging the world around us with the life changing love of Jesus. As a fellowship, we love to worship, pray, study, serve and play together. We desire to see God’s kingdom come and His will be done in our own lives, in our spheres of influence, and in our world as a whole.
Catholic Community at Stanford (CCAS)
President: Gloria Munoz [email protected];
Professional Leader: Rev./Director Nathan Castle 650-725-0080 [email protected]; Rev. Isaiah Molano 650-723-2490 [email protected]
Advisor: Teresa Pleins [email protected]; Nancy Greenfield [email protected]
The Catholic Community at Stanford seeks to develop and form well-educated, passionate and faithful Catholic leaders in order to bring positive change to their disciplines, communities and world. With a deep belief in an abundant God and the Gospel of Jesus, the Catholic Community joins the University’s mission to form the next generation of leaders in transforming the world. By its life and witness, the community provides the University access to the Church’s rich and ever-evolving moral, intellectual and spiritual traditions.
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship (XA)
President: Rachel Terrell-Perica 770-861-2908 [email protected];
Professional Leader: Rev. Glen Davis 650-380-0896 [email protected];
Chi Alpha is a community of students earnestly following Jesus. Our weekly worship gatherings are filled with music, given to humor and deal with everything from relationships to the nature of truth. We also offer retreats, Bible studies, seminars, and opportunities to serve the needy. We are sponsored by the Assemblies of God, and we welcome students from all backgrounds.
Chinese Campus Evangelistic Fellowship (CCEF)
President: Xiao Zhang 650-766-3452 [email protected]; Chen Chen 650-766-3452 [email protected]
Professional Leader: Dr. Charles M.C. Lee 925-286-0540 [email protected]
Advisor: Guiqiao Gan 650-571-7639 [email protected]
Our goal is to help Chinese students bridge the cultural gap, ease their transition into their new environment, enrich students’ personal lives, and broaden their horizons to new values and possibilities. On one hand, the founding reason of CCEF is the love of Jesus Christ, and our caring activities and our social concerns reflect values of the Christian faith. On the other hand, we are an organization with an open door policy toward all faiths.
Christian Science Organization (CSO)
President: Jennifer Thompson 214-517-3307 [email protected];
The purpose of the Christian Science Organization is to promote healing through the spiritual activity of the Christ, to afford the university community an opportunity to learn the truth about Christian Science, and to provide support for Christian Scientists in the University. The CSO also promotes a spiritual perspective to life and campus issues. All are welcome to the CSO’s weekly meetings.
Christian Students
President: Chih-Wei Yeh 650-353-8660 [email protected]; Ming Yi 814-883-0196 [email protected]
Advisor: Jeff Chang 650-814-0494 [email protected]; Peng Wei 650-307-7625 [email protected]
Christians Students has been meeting on campus since 1992. Our goal, through the study and enjoyment of the Word of God, is to experience and enjoy Christ in our daily living as our nourishment (John 6:57, 63), and to minister Christ as life and love to one another for our mutual encouragement and building up. All are welcome to join us in our weekly on-campus Bible studies, small group/home fellowships, bi-annual conferences, retreats, and more.
President: Graham Thompson 703-342-6761 [email protected];
Professional Leader: Scott Scruggs 6503297418 [email protected]; Lissa Buckel 6503298698 [email protected]
Cornerstone is a Christian fellowship group sponsored by Menlo Park Presbyterian Church that is committed to developing authentic followers of Jesus during this fun and formative stage of life. We gather for worship at Sanctuary (a Sunday night worship service at MPPC) and serve together in community. Our primary program is a weekly breakfast ministry that is prepared at MPPC and then served to those in need at the Opportunity Center in Palo Alto.
President: Kyle Anderson 281-764-7203 [email protected]
Advisor: Molly Schatzel 360-751-9695 [email protected]
Ekklesia is the college ministry of Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto and operates as a partnership with on-campus Christian fellowships. The group invites students into a deeper relationship with others through the life of the church and a deeper relationship with God through His Word. Gathering together for breakfast before church on Sunday provides time for fellowship and relationship. Discipleship groups, social events, and retreats offer opportunities for connection with each other and God.
Episcopal Lutheran Campus Ministry (ELCM)
President: Ashley Micks 614-499-2181 [email protected]; Kristiana Schneck 218-205-8424 [email protected]
Professional Leader: Rev. Greg Schaefer 650-857-9660 [email protected]
Advisor: Gwendolyn Schaefer 650-857-9660 [email protected]
Episcopal Lutheran Campus Ministry is a united ministry of the Episcopal and Lutheran churches, but this community is made up of faculty, staff, students, family, friends, neighbors, and alumni from many (or no) denominations. We use scripture, tradition, reason, and experience to inspire a living faith. We are barrier-free, welcoming people of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, and religious affiliations. If you want to be here, God welcomes you.
International Students Christian Outreach (ISCO)
President: Allie Leeper 650-799-9703 [email protected]; Kevin O’Herin 650-213-2188 [email protected]
Professional Leader: Dr. Steven Long 408 -702-5163 [email protected]; Victoria Long 408-702-5203 [email protected]
Advisor: Mr. W. Bruce Pruitt 916-749-3835 [email protected]; Mr. Michael Miller 650-968-3737 [email protected]
ISCO is a Protestant, Christian organization, supported by evangelical churches and Christian friends. ISCO has been serving international students since 1974. Many evangelical churches of this community extend through ISCO their hospitality to international students and make their homes and many other great resources available to them. We acknowledge and worship the person of Jesus Christ as the one and only Lord and Savior of the world. Whatever your personal religious tradition may be - everybody is welcome to participate in ISCO activities.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Undergrad (IVCF)
President: Sarah DiRado 707-293-6097 [email protected]; Molly Field 509-788-5353 [email protected]
Advisor: Adrian Lock 808-371-2044 [email protected]
We are a fellowship of students from diverse cultural and spiritual backgrounds who come together out of our common love for Jesus. We are passionate about prayer, studying scripture, justice, and racial reconciliation. Our large group meetings are a time of musical worship, biblical teaching and prayer. We have several small groups on campus where students can study passages from the Bible, discuss their meaning and understand their relevance for our lives today.
Intervarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship (IV Grad)
President: Aaron Adcock 740-405-5052 [email protected]
Professional Leader: Wendy Quay 650-391-6864 [email protected]
InterVarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship at Stanford is a community of graduate students seeking to know Jesus Christ more. We hold weekly large group meetings of food, fellowship and a faculty, student, or visiting speaker, where we seek to examine life issues from a Christian viewpoint. We also have weekly small groups, where you can study the Bible with your peers, encourage each other, and build friendships as you make your way through graduate school.
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (Stanford OCF)
President: Mark Phillips (314) 898-6257 [email protected];
Professional Leader: John Kocolas [email protected]
Advisor: Fr. Hermogen Holste [email protected]
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship at Stanford is all about helping students experience fulfillment, renewal, refreshment and authentic friendships through the wisdom and teachings of the Orthodox Church.
Parakaleo Christian Ministries
President: Esther Pierce 650-644-8100 [email protected];
Professional Leader: Steve Lawry 650-854-0194 [email protected]
Advisor: Erica Lawry 650-854-0194
Parakaleo Christian Ministries is a student group focused on teaching the foundations of Biblical counseling. Parakaleo offers a three-quarter course on Biblical counseling with the goal of teaching students to apply God’s written word to their own daily life issues and relationships, and equipping them to counsel others from the Bible under the guidance and empowering of the Holy Spirit.
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)
President: Cason Kynes 703-477-0375 [email protected]; Elizabeth Lake 214-536-3696 [email protected]
Professional Leader: Rev Britton Wood 205-960-3357 [email protected]
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) is a Christian ministry associated with the Presbyterian Church in America. Although Presbyterian in affiliation, we welcome students from all walks of life and backgrounds, both the convinced and the unconvinced. Through worship, prayer, biblical instruction, service and vibrant relationships, we seek to deepen our understanding and our practice of the Christian faith.
ReJOYce In Jesus Campus Fellowship (RJCF)
President: Alexis Patterson 925-876-2866 [email protected];
Advisor: Valesha Jones 650-327-9689 [email protected];
ReJOYce in Jesus Campus Fellowship is a spirit-filled Bible study and fellowship group that seeks to challenge individuals to pursue a deeper personal love relationship with Jesus, and to teach practical steps in applying God’s Word to all aspects of life.
Sports Challenge
President: JJ Koval 805 807-2082 [email protected];
Advisor: Jim Stump (650) 799-5200 [email protected];
Sports Challenge is a relationship-based campus ministry for Stanford student-athletes dedicated to teaching students to be devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Each member meets with the group’s advisor for personal conversation, leading them through specifically designed Bible studies to equip them for their spiritual walk and answer their most difficult questions. Sports Challenge members also speak in churches throughout the community and participate in annual projects such as the 2nd Mile Project.
Stanford Latter-Day Saint Student Association (LDSSA)
President: Mariah Nogueira [email protected]; Jonathan Lautaha [email protected]; Meredith Colton [email protected]
Advisor: Jeremy Hunt 415-439-3916 [email protected];
The purpose of the Latter-Day Saint Student Association is, (1) promote faith in Jesus Christ; (2) to encourage and support members of the LDSSA in achieving their academic goals and maintaining a balanced life while on campus; (3) to encourage members of the LDSSA to become an influence for good by participating in activities and service opportunities and social and religious activities that are with the LDSSA standards.
United Campus Christian Ministry (UCCM)
President: Yifeng Huang [email protected];
Professional Leader: The Rev. Geoff Browning 650-868-4241 [email protected]
United Campus Christian Ministry at Stanford is a progressive Christian fellowship which welcomes all students! Dedicated to exploring spirituality and social justice, we value questions as much as answers. UCCM programs include: dinner and discussion groups, Bible study, Alternative Spring Break, service with local community organizations, Interfaith and service retreats, summer fellowships, and meditation.
Youth Evangelical Fellowship at Stanford (YEF)
President: Clayton Montgomery 916-287-1785 [email protected]
Advisor: Margo Culp 310-562-4988 [email protected]; Joan Liu [email protected]
Youth Evangelical Fellowship exists to preach the Gospel to Stanford students and establish the channel to have fellowship with one another in the Lord. We also exercise students’ leadership skills through service activities at the context of Christian fellowship small groups. Furthermore, we try to connect members’ personal career with Christian life to serve God. We have weekly evening gatherings, weekday systematic bible study groups, graceful retreats sometime, outing activities and local church activities, etc.
Confucian Life and Studies (CLS)
President: Sherry Wang 650-804-2158 [email protected]; Yibai Shu 650-799-0959 [email protected]
CLS aims to create a platform for discussion on Confucianism for all interested Stanford students. We offer a way into ancient intelligence to provide guidance for a modern moral life.
Hindu Students Association (HSA)
President: Shiv Agarwal [email protected]; Nagaphani Aetukuri [email protected]
Advisor: Dr. Linda Hess [email protected]
To foster an environment that brings together Hindus from all parts of the world who believe in the fundamental principles of love and respect of humanity and all that lives.
Stanford InterFAITH (FAITH - Faiths Act in Togetherness and Hope)
President: Rachel Kelley (720) 838-8787 [email protected];
FAITH is a student group of diverse religious and non-religious backgrounds committed to bridging differences between people of diverse beliefs. While members may affiliate with other religious groups, they express unity through community service, special events, and management of the interfaith e-mail chat list.
Islamic Society of Stanford University (ISSU)
President: Rasheedat Zakare-Fagbamila 850-590-7465 [email protected]; Nausheen Mahmood 408-702-8592 [email protected]
Advisor: Nancy Howe 650-723-4865 [email protected]
The primary goal of ISSU is to build a strong, close-knit Muslim community. ISSU offers religious and spiritual programming to students on campus as well as social and community events. ISSU is an organization that caters specifically to Stanford’s Muslim community and is responsible for the organization of Jumu’ah prayer, communal Iftars, Majors Night, the Big Sib Little Sib program, and special events like Golden Gate Fajr and TGIJ (Thank God It’s Jumu’ah).
Ismaili Students at Stanford (ISAS)
President: Arif Gilani 650-630-9076 [email protected]; Alisha Adam 650-798-4114 [email protected]
The Ismaili Student Association at Stanford (ISAS) aims to provide social, educational and religious programming for Ismaili students and to increase the awareness and understanding of the Ismaili Muslim faith in the Stanford community at large.
Chabad at Stanford
President: Mica Esquenazi, 469-939-1509, [email protected]
Advisor: Rabbi Dov Greenberg 650-494-3274 [email protected];
Chabad at Stanford is a vibrant Jewish student organization that is dedicated to sharing the warmth, wisdom and depth of Judaism in an exciting, non-judgmental fashion. Chabad helps create student programming, plans social action projects and offers volunteer opportunities. The Chabad Center (1289 College Ave, Palo Alto) offers a place where students can socialize in a comfortable setting with great friends, superb food and stimulating discussion. All are welcome regardless of background or affiliation.
Hillel at Stanford
President: Doria Charlson 650-759-6564 [email protected]; Taylor Winfield 949-300-2724 [email protected]
Professional Leader: Rabbi Mychal Copeland 650-725-1424 [email protected]
The mission of Hillel at Stanford is to create Jewish experiences of distinctively positive quality and impact that enrich the lives of students and local young adults, and that prepare emerging leaders to shape the future and lead with Jewish values. Hillel is a home for experiencing Jewish tradition, practice, values, culture and community, a place for learning about Jewish topics, and a contributor to bettering the world through social justice.
Satrang, Stanford Sikh Students Association (Satrang)
President: Hardeep Sanghera 510-543-7846 [email protected]
Advisor: Prof. Ravinder Dhillon [email protected]
Satrang seeks to foster cultural and social awareness about Sikhism to the entire community. Major activities include the annual Lohri celebration event held in early Winter quarter, as well as cultural and religious events held throughout the year and open to the public, such as the weekly prayer sessions.