Interfaith Challenge

President Obama’s Interfaith and Community Service Challenge

Last year the Office for Religious Life and the Haas Center for Public Service collaborated on the President Obama’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge in a project concerning immigration, hunger and homelessness. This year, together with the McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society, which is mounting a campuswide initiative on “Ethics of Wealth,” our focus will be “Poverty, Wealth and Faith”. We will continue our relationships with our existing community partners, as they address poverty along with immigration, hunger and homelessness.

Students will be invited to engage in community service through the Haas Center, participate in monthly reflection discussions informed by the Ask Big Questions project of Hillel International, enroll in a quarter‐long student‐initiated class, “Interfaith@Noon”, and partake in the year‐long “Ethics and Wealth” series.

If you’re interested in getting involved, please email [email protected].

Fall Quarter 2012 Events

October 28 / 10:00am / Memorial Church
“Money and Meaning”
Rev. Canon Rosa Lee Harden (Cathedral of All Souls, Asheville, North Carolina / Co-Founder & Producer, Social Capital Markets)
Ethics of Wealth event

November 1 / 7:00pm / CEMEX Auditorium (we will start promptly at 7:00pm)
“Love & Taxes”
Josh Kornbluth (Monologist)
Faculty talk back after the performance with Joe Bankman (Stanford Law) and Barbara Fried (Stanford Law).
Tickets are free but you must reserve a seat via the Stanford Ticket Office.
Ethics of Wealth event

Community Service Opportunities

Students are encouraged to get involved by volunteering with the groups listed below:

American Jewish World Service
Challah for Hunger
InnVision/Opportunity Center
Night Outreach
St. Anthony’s Padua Dining Room
Stanford Commonwealth Challenge
Stanford Financial Literacy for Youth
Stanford Project on Hunger (SPOON)
Students for Engagement and Activism in Microfinance
Students Taking on Poverty (STOP)