
Baptisms at Memorial Church

The sacrament of Baptism, historically a Christian rite of initiation, is available at Memorial Church twice per academic year during the Fall and Spring Quarters. It is offered during University Public Worship and is not a private ritual or ceremony. More than a momentary act in one’s life, Baptism is also considered a beginning to a life long spiritual pilgrimage.

Those interested in Catholic Baptism, should view information at the Catholic Community at Stanford website. The contact person is Chaplain Teresa Pleins at [email protected].

Those interested in Protestant Baptism and would like to participate in the next baptism listed below, please fill out the online registration form. A required meeting to discuss the history and meaning of Baptism as well as review service details is held on Saturday preceding the Sunday service of Baptism. Sponsors and godparents are encouraged to attend this meeting.

Fall 2012 Baptism:

Date: Sunday, November 4, 2012, 10:00 am - held at Memorial Church during University Public Worship

Required meeting preceding Baptisms: Morning of Saturday, November 3, 2012 - registered families will be informed of the time in early October