Religious Holidays

Major Holy Days 2012-2013

Stanford has long supported faculty, students and staff in observing religious holiday of significance to them. In the complex process of creating the academic calendar, religious holy days are but one of many considerations. The university administration has always been helpful in facilitating communication and encouraging respect and understanding when there are academic calendar conflicts with religious holy days. Most instructors will be cooperative and flexible regarding students’ religious observance when they receive appropriate and early communication. If a student is planning NOT to attend class or take an exam because of a religious holiday, he or she should convey this information to instructors in advance so that the student will not be disadvantaged as a result of religious practice. The Office for Religious Life makes available to faculty, staff and students this list of significant religious holidays at the beginning of each academic year. For any questions or concerns, please contact the Dean Scotty McLennan, Senior Associate Dean Patricia Karlin-Neumann or Associate Dean Joanne Sanders.

July 2012

19 Ramadan Begins Islam

August 2012

19 Eid ul Fitr (End of Ramadan) Islam

September 2012

16 Erev Rosh Hashanah Jewish

17 Rosh Hashanah Jewish

18 Rosh Hashanah Jewish

25 Kol Nidre (Eve of Day of Atonement) Jewish

26 Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Jewish

October 2012

1 Sukkot (begins) Jewish

8 Shemini Atzeret Jewish

9 Simchat Torah Jewish

20 Birth of Báb Bahá’í

26 Eid al-Adha Islam

November 2012

1 Samhain Pagan

1 All Saints Day Christian

12 Birth of Baha’u’llah Bahá’í

13 Diwali Hindu

13 Diwali Jain

13 Diwali Sikh

December 2012

2 Advent (begins) Christian

8 Bodhi Day Buddhist

9 Chanukah (begins) Jewish

12 Our Lady of Guadalupe (Feast Day) Christian

16 Chanukah (ends) Jewish

25 Christmas Christian

26 Kwanzaa (begins) Pan-African

January 2013

1 Kwanzaa (ends) Pan-African

6 Epiphany Christian

25 Tu B’Shevat (begins) Jewish

26 Tu B’Shevat (ends) Jewish

February 2013

10 Chinese New Year Buddhist, Confucian, Daoist

13 Ash Wednesday (Lent begins) Christian

24 Purim Jewish

March 2013

24 Palm Sunday Christian

25 Erev Pesach Jewish

26 Passover (begins) Jewish

27 Holi Hindu

28 Maundy Thursday Christian

29 Good Friday Christian

31 Easter Christian

April 2013

2 Passover (ends) Jewish

May 2013

14 Erev Shavuot Jewish

15 Shavuot (begins) Jewish

16 Shavuot (ends) Jewish

June 2013