
Concerts in Memorial Church

Fall Quarter 2012
All are welcome to attend these free concerts in Memorial Church.

Donations at the door will be accepted to help continue concerts at Memorial Church.

Friday, September 28, 8:00 pm
Dr. Robert Huw Morgan Organ Recital

Organ music based on Marian themes played on the Fisk, MH and H&R organs performed by University Organist Dr. Robert Huw Morgan. Co-sponsored by the Department of Music and the Office for Religious Life.

Friday, October 26, 8:00 pm
Margaret Kvamme Organ Recital

Bay area organist Margaret Kvamme will perform in Memorial Church. Co-sponsored by the Department of Music and the Office for Religious Life.

Wednesday, November 14, 8:00 pm
Nathan Laube Organ Recital

Young superstar organist Nathan Laube will perform in Memorial Church. Co-sponsored by the Department of Music and the Office for Religious Life.

Friday, December 7, 8:00 pm
Saturday, December 8, 8:00 pm

Lessons and Carols

The Stanford Memorial Church Choir, under the direction of Dr. Robert Huw Morgan, presents this ever-popular program of Advent music and readings in the tradition of the Chapel of the Kings College, Cambridge University.

Sunday, December 9, 1:30 pm
Holiday Recital

University Organist, Dr. Robert Huw Morgan, will perform holiday music in this festive annual recital. Co-sponsored by the Department of Music and the Office for Religious Life.

More concerts sponsored by the Music Department at various venues on campus may be found on the Music @ Stanford Events Calendar.


A reflective 30-minute service of hymns and chant sung in the tranquil candlelit ambiance of Memorial Church. All religious and non-religious backgrounds welcome.

Sundays, 9:00 – 9:30 pm (during the academic year), Memorial Church

Fall Quarter 2012

10/7/12 Palo Alto High School
10/14/12 Christ Church Portola Valley
10/21/12 Crescendo
10/28/12 Stanford Clerks
11/4/12 Trinity Compline Choir
11/11/12 Early Music Singers
11/18/12 VPC Chancel Choir
12/2/12 Threshold Choir