Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies Stanford University

Research at FSI Stanford, by topic

Scholars at the Institute's research centers conduct research and teaching on such issues as nuclear proliferation, chemical and bioterrorism, democracy and the rule of law, conflict prevention and peacekeeping, international health policy and infectious diseases, and the political economy and regional dynamics of Asia. This work is conducted in collaboration with Stanford's world-class schools of business, earth sciences, education, engineering, humanities and sciences, law and medicine.


Corporate restructuring | Entrepreneurship | Innovation | Investment | Offshoring and outsourcing | Silicon Valley | Venture capital

Conflict and Conflict Resolution

Civil wars | Conflict resolution and peacekeeping | Diplomacy | Human protection | Negotiation


Democracy in Southeast Asia | Democracy in the Arab world | Democracy promotion | Democratization | Elections and electoral reform | Global justice | International influences | Oil wealth management | Political reform | Poverty, inequality, and democracy | State-building


Agricultural trade | Direct and portfolio investment | Economic development | Food prices | Foreign assistance | Global commodities markets | Global food markets | Immigration | International trade | Labor standards | Protectionism | Sustainable development | World Bank | World Trade Organization


Biofuels | Cap and trade mechanism | Cleantech | Coal | Electricity | Energy security | Low-carbon electricity | Natural gas | Nuclear energy | Oil | Renewable energy | Smart Grid

Environment and Climate Change

Agriculture | Carbon capture and storage | Climate change | Climate extremes | Climate mitigation | Coastal marine systems | Copenhagen negotiations | Deforestation | Endangered species | Fisheries | Global resource use | Kyoto Protocol | Natural resources | Water

Food Security

Adaptation | Agriculture | Agriculture policy | Aquaculture | Civil conflict | Food prices | Global food markets | Global hunger | Nutrition | Poverty | Pro-poor food policy | Risk assessment | Wheat


Global governance and institutions | Global justice | Government reform

Governance, Organizations & Security

Conflict resolution and peacekeeping | Constitutional law | Cyber security | Disaster response | Global governance and institutions | Global justice | Government reform | Human rights | National intelligence | Negotiation | Organizations | Political reform | Poverty, inequality, and democracy | State-building

Health & the Environment

Biosecurity | Disease | Energy security | Health policy | Nuclear energy | Oil | Pandemics and global responses

Health and Medicine

Aging | Bioterrorism | Children's health | Comparative effectiveness research | Demographics of health and aging | Diabetes | Health care institutions | Health care reform | Health policy | Health service delivery | Health, governance, and development | HIV/AIDS | Hypertension | Improving safety and outcomes in health care | Infectious disease treatment options | Obesity | Pandemics and global responses | Population health | Tobacco Prevention Initiative

Homeland Security

Biosecurity | Cyber security | Disaster response | Terrorism and counterterrorism

Human Affairs

Gender studies | History | Issues of identity | Role of the media | Social stratification

International Law

Constitutional law | Human protection | Human rights | International courts | Rule of law and corruption | Torture convention

International Relations

Causes of war | Discrimination | Globalization | History | International and regional alliances | Islam | Organizations | Secularization and modernity | Transnational threats | U.S. defense policy | U.S. foreign policy

Migration & Transnational Flows

Globalization | Human protection | Immigration | International and regional alliances | Transnational threats

Nuclear Security & Risk

Arms control negotiation | Missile defense | Missile proliferation | Nuclear forces | Nuclear history | Nuclear nonproliferation | Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty | Nuclear policy | Nuclear power | Nuclear safety and security | Nuclear weapons effects

Regionalism and Nationalism

Assimilation | Culture and Society | Ethnicity | Historical injustice | History and memory | Identity | Reconciliation and restitution | Regionalism

Science and Technology

Information technology | Liberation technology | Science & technology studies | Space