Gerhard Casper, Director of FSI Stanford
Stephen Krasner, Deputy Director
Belinda Byrne, Executive Director
Neil Penick, Associate Director for Development and External Relations
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Core Researchers at FSI Stanford
A list of researchers and staff affiliated with FSI and its centers and programs.
The FSI Faculty
The FSI Faculty is the Institute's governing body. Its members represent faculty at the Institute's research centers and programs, and meet regularly to address appointments and other Institute business.
Advisory Board
The members of the Advisory Board, which meets twice a year, fill a crucial role in the life of the Institute by becoming informed advocates of FSI, both within the Stanford community and in those parts of the world that would benefit from the Institute's work. The Board serves as a bridge between the world of scholarship and the world of policy-making. It plays an important role in the development efforts of the Institute through identifying sources of funding for the Institute's new and existing programs.