28 Records Found
Mark Algee-Hewitt, Lecturer
Office: 460-321
Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 1:30-3:00 & by appointment
Phone: 796-4196
Email: [email protected]
Molly Antopol, Lecturer
Office: building 460, room 213
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:15 to 6:45
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Kai Carlson-Wee, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Harriet Clark, Lecturer
Office: Room 209, Margaret Jacks Hall
Office Hours: Mon/Wed 3:15-4:45
Phone: 650-723-0499
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Marvin Diogenes, Lecturer
Office: Sweet Hall 311
Office Hours:
Phone: 723-4642
Email: [email protected]
Writing and Rhetoric
Keith Ekiss, Lecturer
Office: Margaret Jacks, Rm. 210
Office Hours: M/W: 11:15am - 1:15PM
Phone: 650-723-2638
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Poetry
John W. Evans, Lecturer
Office: 460-211
Office Hours: T/TH: 3:15-4:15
Phone: 650-723-2638
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Poetry
Sarah Frisch, Lecturer
Office: 460-211
Office Hours: MW: 2:10-3:10
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Jillian Hess, Lecturer
Office: 460-305
Office Hours: Thursday 2:00-4:00 & by appt.
Phone: 723-4613
Email: [email protected]
19th century literature, the history of media, and digital writing
Maria Hummel, Lecturer
Office: 220
Office Hours: M, noon-1pm; W, 11am-1pm
Phone: 650-723-4968
Email: [email protected]
Poetry, Creative Nonfiction
Scott Hutchins, Lecturer
Office: 460-213
Office Hours: Mon 5:10pm-7pm
Phone: 725-1209
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Tom Kealey, Lecturer
Office: Building 460, Room 221
Office Hours: Thursdays, 3:30-5:30pm
Email: [email protected]
Fiction Writing; Graphic Noveling; Screenwriting; Creative Nonfiction
Dana Kletter, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Creative writing: fiction
Peter Kline, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Poetry and Creative Nonfiction
Kenneth Ligda, Lecturer
Office: 460-315
Office Hours: MW 3:30-5:00
Email: [email protected]
British modern literature, comedy
Anthony Marra, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Hilton Obenzinger, Lecturer
Office: 460-222
Office Hours: Mon. 1:30-2:30 & Wed. 1:30-2:30 & 5:30-6:30 pm
Phone: 650-723-0330
Email: [email protected]
Melville, Twain, 19th and 20th century American literature and culture, particularly comedy and satire, religion, American cultural encounters with the Middle East, and comparative settler-colonial studies.
Brittany Perham,
Office: Margaret Jacks 213
Office Hours:
Phone: 725-1209
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Poetry
Shannon Pufahl, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Phoebe Putnam, Lecturer
Office: 460-314
Office Hours: Wednesday 3:30-5:30 & by appt.
Phone: 723-2635
Email: [email protected]
American literature and visual arts, visual culture, and the history of optics; poetry and poetics; green literary traditions from Virgil to Annie Dillard
Kirstin Quade, Lecturer
Office: 460-209
Office Hours: TTh 1:15-2:45
Email: [email protected]
Creatieve Writing: Fiction
Rebecca Richardson, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Nina Schloesser, Lecturer
Office: 460-209
Office Hours: Monday 11-1 & Wednesday 12-1
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Image of Professor SoileauStephanie Soileau, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Adena Spingarn, Lecturer
Office: 460-303
Office Hours: Mon. 1-2 & Wed. 2-4
Phone: 723-9776
Email: [email protected]
19th and 20th century American literature and literary history, African American literature
Alice Staveley, Lecturer
Office: 328
Office Hours: W 3-4; TH 1-3 & by appt.
Phone: 650-723-0131
Email: [email protected]
British Modernism; Book History; Virginia Woolf; Periodical culture; Canadian Literature
Shimon Tanaka, Lecturer
Office: 460-212
Office Hours: Tuesday 5:10-7:10, Thursday 5:10-6:10
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Greg Wrenn, Lecturer
Office: 460-213
Office Hours: Tu 5:15-5:45 PM, W 1:15-3:45 PM
Phone: 650-725-1209
Email: [email protected]
Creative writing: poetry