22 Records Found | ||
John Bender, Professor Office: 460-341 Office Hours: Wed. 1:45-3:00 & Thurs. 1:45-3:30 Phone: 723-3817 Email: [email protected] | Literature and society in the 18th-century; comparative study of literature and the visual arts: sociology of literature; literary theory; science and literature | |
Eavan Boland, Professor Office: 460-223C Office Hours: Phone: 650-725-1207 Email: [email protected] | The writing and continuance of poetry; women and poetry; Irish literature; computer technology. | |
Terry Castle, Professor Office: 460-313 Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00-5:00 & by appt. Phone: 650-725-1217 Email: [email protected] | The English novel; Richardson; Defoe; Fielding; 18th-century women authors; 20th-century British women's writing; the First World War; feminist theory; Freud; gay and lesbian literature | |
Michele Elam, Professor Office: 460-319 Office Hours: Thursday 1:00-3:00 & by appt. Phone: 650-723-0043 Email: [email protected] | 19th-21st Century African American literature, history & theory; Mixed Race Studies; Black Feminist Theory; Black Cultural Performance | |
Ken Fields, Professor Office: 460-217 Office Hours: Tues. 10-11, 3-4 & Wed. 3-4 Phone: 650-723-1201 Email: [email protected] | Creative writing; American literature; French symbolist poetry; American Indian literature; film | |
Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Professor Office: 460-420 Office Hours: Tuesday 3:00-4:30 & by appt. Phone: 650-723-1804 Email: [email protected] | 19th- and 20th-century American literature and cultural history; Issues of race, gender and ethnicity; Mark Twain; transnational American Studies; journalism history and nonfiction narrative; feminism; theatre history; literature and the animal rights movement | |
Denise Gigante, Professor Office: 460-329 Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13 Phone: 650-725-7080 Email: [email protected] | 18th and 19th-century British; Romanticism; poetry and poetics; the essay tradition; taste, gastronomy, and aesthetic theory; transatlantic book history; life writing and life science | |
Roland Greene, Professor Office: 460-302 Office Hours: Tuesday 12 noon to 2:00 & by appt. Phone: 650-725-1214 Email: [email protected] | Early modern literature; transatlantic culture and society; poetry and the history of how it is read; literary and cultural theory, especially lyric theory; Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton | |
Gavin Jones, Professor and Department Chair Office: 460-201C Office Hours: Wed. 3:00-4:00 & Fri. 11:00-12:00 Phone: 650-723-1560 Email: [email protected] | Nineteenth-century American literature; American modernism; language politics; social issues in literature; African-American and ethnic writing; representations of social class; failure. | |
Mark McGurl, Professor Office: 460-419 Office Hours: Tuesday 3:15-5:00 & by appt. Phone: 723-4722 Email: [email protected] | Twentieth-Century American Literature and Culture. The Novel. Sociology and Literature. Classical Hollywood Cinema. | |
![]() | Franco Moretti, Professor Office: 460-416 Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13 Phone: 650-723-4590 Email: [email protected] | Cultural geography; theory of the novel and of tragedy; interdisciplinary models |
Sianne Ngai, Professor Office: 460-417 Office Hours: Monday 1:00-3:00 & by appt. Phone: 723-4622 Email: [email protected] | 19th-21st Century American Literature, Aesthetic Theory and Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies. | |
Stephen Orgel, Professor Office: 460-304 Office Hours: Mon. 1:30-2:30 & Thurs. 10-12 Phone: 650-723-4597 Email: [email protected] | Shakespeare, Renaissance theater, history of the book, mythology and iconology | |
Patricia Parker, Professor Office: 460-338 Office Hours: Phone: 650-723-1818 Email: [email protected] | Shakespeare; comparative early modern studies; feminism and race | |
Peggy Phelan, Professor Office: 460-339 Office Hours: Phone: 723-2723 Email: [email protected] | Twentieth-Century performance, dance and visual art. Beckett. Critical Theory. Performance and Politics | |
Nancy Ruttenburg, Professor Office: 460-418 Office Hours: By appointment Phone: 650-725-1644 Email: [email protected] | Literatures and cultures of colonial through antebellum America and of 19th-century Russia; North American literature in comparative context; democratic theory and history of modern democratic forms; novel history and theory; philosophies of religion and ethics. | |
Ramon Saldivar, Professor Office: 460-322 Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00-3:30 & by appt. Phone: 650-725-1213 Email: [email protected] | 20th Century American, British, and postcolonial cultural history and theory; modernity and postmodernity; literary theory; theory of the novel; US Latino writings | |
Jennifer Summit, Professor Office: 460-318 Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13 Phone: 650-723-2634 Email: [email protected] | Histories of reading, writing and knowledge, late medieval through early modern England; literary history and periodization; English and the disciplines | |
Elizabeth Tallent, Professor Office: 460-214 Office Hours: Phone: 650-723-0031 Email: [email protected] | The short story and novel form, feminist literary tradition, gay and lesbian literature. | |
![]() | Elaine Treharne, Professor Office: 460-327 Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 9:45-10:45 Phone: 723-4609 Email: [email protected] | Medieval Studies: the cultural contexts, contents, and languages of Early English manuscripts from c. 700 to 1500 |
Blakey Vermeule, Professor Office: 460-325 Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 1:30-3:00 & by appt. Phone: 650-723-2905 Email: [email protected] | 18th-century British literature; Romanticism; critical theory; cognitive approaches to literature; the history of the novel | |
Tobias Wolff, Professor Office: 460-218 Office Hours: Mon. 1:00-2:30 & Tues. 10:00-11:00 & by appt. Phone: 650-723-0504 Email: [email protected] | American literature; development of the short story; autobiography; Chekhov. |