68 Records Found
Mark Algee-Hewitt, Lecturer
Office: 460-321
Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 1:30-3:00 & by appointment
Phone: 796-4196
Email: [email protected]
Molly Antopol, Lecturer
Office: building 460, room 213
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:15 to 6:45
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
John Bender, Professor
Office: 460-341
Office Hours: Wed. 1:45-3:00 & Thurs. 1:45-3:30
Phone: 723-3817
Email: [email protected]
Literature and society in the 18th-century; comparative study of literature and the visual arts: sociology of literature; literary theory; science and literature
Eavan Boland, Professor
Office: 460-223C
Office Hours:
Phone: 650-725-1207
Email: [email protected]
The writing and continuance of poetry; women and poetry; Irish literature; computer technology.
Helen B. Brooks, Senior Lecturer Emerita
Office: 460-222
Office Hours: Wednesday 2:15-4:15 pm & by appt.
Phone: 650-723-0813
Email: [email protected]
Poetry of John Donne; early modern and modern poetry; Shakespeare; literary theory (particularly reception theory, new historicism), interdisciplinary study in the Humanities, early modern art; literary modernism, intellectual and cultural history; and gender studies.
Kai Carlson-Wee, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Anne Carson, Visiting Professor
Office Hours:
Terry Castle, Professor
Office: 460-313
Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00-5:00 & by appt.
Phone: 650-725-1217
Email: [email protected]
The English novel; Richardson; Defoe; Fielding; 18th-century women authors; 20th-century British women's writing; the First World War; feminist theory; Freud; gay and lesbian literature
Harriet Clark, Lecturer
Office: Room 209, Margaret Jacks Hall
Office Hours: Mon/Wed 3:15-4:45
Phone: 650-723-0499
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Marvin Diogenes, Lecturer
Office: Sweet Hall 311
Office Hours:
Phone: 723-4642
Email: [email protected]
Writing and Rhetoric
Keith Ekiss, Lecturer
Office: Margaret Jacks, Rm. 210
Office Hours: M/W: 11:15am - 1:15PM
Phone: 650-723-2638
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Poetry
Michele Elam, Professor
Office: 460-319
Office Hours: Thursday 1:00-3:00 & by appt.
Phone: 650-723-0043
Email: [email protected]
19th-21st Century African American literature, history & theory; Mixed Race Studies; Black Feminist Theory; Black Cultural Performance
John W. Evans, Lecturer
Office: 460-211
Office Hours: T/TH: 3:15-4:15
Phone: 650-723-2638
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Poetry
Ken Fields, Professor
Office: 460-217
Office Hours: Tues. 10-11, 3-4 & Wed. 3-4
Phone: 650-723-1201
Email: [email protected]
Creative writing; American literature; French symbolist poetry; American Indian literature; film
Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Professor
Office: 460-420
Office Hours: Tuesday 3:00-4:30 & by appt.
Phone: 650-723-1804
Email: [email protected]
19th- and 20th-century American literature and cultural history; Issues of race, gender and ethnicity; Mark Twain; transnational American Studies; journalism history and nonfiction narrative; feminism; theatre history; literature and the animal rights movement
Sarah Frisch, Lecturer
Office: 460-211
Office Hours: MW: 2:10-3:10
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Denise Gigante, Professor
Office: 460-329
Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13
Phone: 650-725-7080
Email: [email protected]
18th and 19th-century British; Romanticism; poetry and poetics; the essay tradition; taste, gastronomy, and aesthetic theory; transatlantic book history; life writing and life science
Roland Greene, Professor
Office: 460-302
Office Hours: Tuesday 12 noon to 2:00 & by appt.
Phone: 650-725-1214
Email: [email protected]
Early modern literature; transatlantic culture and society; poetry and the history of how it is read; literary and cultural theory, especially lyric theory; Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton
Cynthia Haven, Publicist for "Another Look"
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Literary and cultural journalism and writing
Jillian Hess, Lecturer
Office: 460-305
Office Hours: Thursday 2:00-4:00 & by appt.
Phone: 723-4613
Email: [email protected]
19th century literature, the history of media, and digital writing
Blair Hoxby, Associate Professor
Office: 460-414
Office Hours: Tues. & Wed. 11:00-12:00
Phone: 723-9493
Email: [email protected]
Milton, the English Civil Wars, the Restoration, Renaissance and Enlightenment theater, tragedy and tragic theory, early opera, and performance theory
Maria Hummel, Lecturer
Office: 220
Office Hours: M, noon-1pm; W, 11am-1pm
Phone: 650-723-4968
Email: [email protected]
Poetry, Creative Nonfiction
Scott Hutchins, Lecturer
Office: 460-213
Office Hours: Mon 5:10pm-7pm
Phone: 725-1209
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Claire Jarvis, Assistant Professor
Office: 460-309
Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs 9:30-10:30 & 1:00-3:00
Phone: 723-0050
Email: [email protected]
Victorian literature; material culture; poetry; theories of sexuality; cultural and literary history.
Nicholas Jenkins, Associate Professor
Office: 460-423
Office Hours: Mon. 3:00-4:30 (Sweet 314) Fri. 3:00-4:30 (460-423)
Phone: 650-723-2725
Email: [email protected]
W.H. Auden; 19th-, 20th- and 21st-century poetry in English; Modernism; British culture of the 1930s; contemporary British culture; literary and cultural theory; intersections of art and literature; literary cosmopolitanism, nationalism, internationalism; history of the book
Adam Johnson, Associate Professor
Office: 460-324
Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 3:15-4:15 & Wed. 6:15-7:15 pm
Phone: 650-723-4657
Email: [email protected]
Narrative theory, the development of the novel, collaboration, graphic narratives and new technologies
Gavin Jones, Professor and Department Chair
Office: 460-201C
Office Hours: Wed. 3:00-4:00 & Fri. 11:00-12:00
Phone: 650-723-1560
Email: [email protected]
Nineteenth-century American literature; American modernism; language politics; social issues in literature; African-American and ethnic writing; representations of social class; failure.
Michelle Karnes, Assistant Professor
Office: 460-311
Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13
Phone: 650-725-6485
Email: [email protected]
Medieval literature; philosophy; theology; William Langland; Chaucer; mysticism; education; the Bible
Tom Kealey, Lecturer
Office: Building 460, Room 221
Office Hours: Thursdays, 3:30-5:30pm
Email: [email protected]
Fiction Writing; Graphic Noveling; Screenwriting; Creative Nonfiction
Dana Kletter, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Creative writing: fiction
Peter Kline, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Poetry and Creative Nonfiction
Kenneth Ligda, Lecturer
Office: 460-315
Office Hours: MW 3:30-5:00
Email: [email protected]
British modern literature, comedy
Ivan Lupic, Assistant Professor
Office Hours:
Shakespeare and early modern English literature; European Renaissance; literature and political thought; textual scholarship, book history, and manuscript studies; theater history; history of the discipline (whatever it is); translation studies; queer studies; new boredom
Saikat Majumdar, Assistant Professor
Office: 460-415
Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 12:45-2PM & by appt.
Phone: 723-2726
Email: [email protected]
World literature in English, modernism, critical theory, colonial and postcolonial studies
Anthony Marra, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Mark McGurl, Professor
Office: 460-419
Office Hours: Tuesday 3:15-5:00 & by appt.
Phone: 723-4722
Email: [email protected]
Twentieth-Century American Literature and Culture. The Novel. Sociology and Literature. Classical Hollywood Cinema.
Valerie Miner, Consulting Professor
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Writing, feminist studies
Image of Professor MorettiFranco Moretti, Professor
Office: 460-416
Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13
Phone: 650-723-4590
Email: [email protected]
Cultural geography; theory of the novel and of tragedy; interdisciplinary models
Paula Moya, Associate Professor
Office: English 460-331
Office Hours: Wed. 10:30-11:30 & Thurs. by appt.
Phone: 650-723-0034
Email: [email protected]
20th and 21st Century American Literature and Culture, Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Narrative Theory, Feminist Theory, Philosophies of Race, Social Psychological Approaches to Literature, Ethnic Literature
Sianne Ngai, Professor
Office: 460-417
Office Hours: Monday 1:00-3:00 & by appt.
Phone: 723-4622
Email: [email protected]
19th-21st Century American Literature, Aesthetic Theory and Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies.
Hilton Obenzinger, Lecturer
Office: 460-222
Office Hours: Mon. 1:30-2:30 & Wed. 1:30-2:30 & 5:30-6:30 pm
Phone: 650-723-0330
Email: [email protected]
Melville, Twain, 19th and 20th century American literature and culture, particularly comedy and satire, religion, American cultural encounters with the Middle East, and comparative settler-colonial studies.
Stephen Orgel, Professor
Office: 460-304
Office Hours: Mon. 1:30-2:30 & Thurs. 10-12
Phone: 650-723-4597
Email: [email protected]
Shakespeare, Renaissance theater, history of the book, mythology and iconology
Patricia Parker, Professor
Office: 460-338
Office Hours:
Phone: 650-723-1818
Email: [email protected]
Shakespeare; comparative early modern studies; feminism and race
Brittany Perham,
Office: Margaret Jacks 213
Office Hours:
Phone: 725-1209
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Poetry
Peggy Phelan, Professor
Office: 460-339
Office Hours:
Phone: 723-2723
Email: [email protected]
Twentieth-Century performance, dance and visual art. Beckett. Critical Theory. Performance and Politics
Richard Powers, Visiting Professor
Office: 460-223
Office Hours:
Phone: 723-0011
Fiction Writing
Shannon Pufahl, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Phoebe Putnam, Lecturer
Office: 460-314
Office Hours: Wednesday 3:30-5:30 & by appt.
Phone: 723-2635
Email: [email protected]
American literature and visual arts, visual culture, and the history of optics; poetry and poetics; green literary traditions from Virgil to Annie Dillard
Kirstin Quade, Lecturer
Office: 460-209
Office Hours: TTh 1:15-2:45
Email: [email protected]
Creatieve Writing: Fiction
Vaughn Rasberry, Assistant Professor
Office: 460-326
Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 9:30-11:00 & by appt.
Phone: 723-4226
Email: [email protected]
American and African American Studies; twentieth-century American fiction; the Enlightenment and its critics; philosophical theories of modernity; postcolonial theory
Judith Richardson, Senior Lecturer
Office: 460-323
Office Hours: Tues. 1-3 & Thurs. 1-2
Phone: 650-723-2724
Email: [email protected]
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literature and culture: place and historical memory; regionalism; women's studies; popular culture; folklore.
Rebecca Richardson, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Nancy Ruttenburg, Professor
Office: 460-418
Office Hours: By appointment
Phone: 650-725-1644
Email: [email protected]
Literatures and cultures of colonial through antebellum America and of 19th-century Russia; North American literature in comparative context; democratic theory and history of modern democratic forms; novel history and theory; philosophies of religion and ethics.
Ramon Saldivar, Professor
Office: 460-322
Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00-3:30 & by appt.
Phone: 650-725-1213
Email: [email protected]
20th Century American, British, and postcolonial cultural history and theory; modernity and postmodernity; literary theory; theory of the novel; US Latino writings
Cintia Santana, Lecturer
Office: Pigott Hall 243
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Literary Translation
Nina Schloesser, Lecturer
Office: 460-209
Office Hours: Monday 11-1 & Wednesday 12-1
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Stephen Hong Sohn , Assistant Professor
Office: 460-422
Office Hours: T/Th. 3:45-4:15, 8:15pm-9:15pm & by appt.
Phone: 723-3014
Email: [email protected]
Asian American Literature, Asian American Studies, transnationalism and globalization, critical theory, urban studies, cultural geography, gender and sexuality, psychoanalysis
Image of Professor SoileauStephanie Soileau, Lecturer
Office Hours:
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Adena Spingarn, Lecturer
Office: 460-303
Office Hours: Mon. 1-2 & Wed. 2-4
Phone: 723-9776
Email: [email protected]
19th and 20th century American literature and literary history, African American literature
Alice Staveley, Lecturer
Office: 328
Office Hours: W 3-4; TH 1-3 & by appt.
Phone: 650-723-0131
Email: [email protected]
British Modernism; Book History; Virginia Woolf; Periodical culture; Canadian Literature
Jennifer Summit, Professor
Office: 460-318
Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13
Phone: 650-723-2634
Email: [email protected]
Histories of reading, writing and knowledge, late medieval through early modern England; literary history and periodization; English and the disciplines
Elizabeth Tallent, Professor
Office: 460-214
Office Hours:
Phone: 650-723-0031
Email: [email protected]
The short story and novel form, feminist literary tradition, gay and lesbian literature.
Shimon Tanaka, Lecturer
Office: 460-212
Office Hours: Tuesday 5:10-7:10, Thursday 5:10-6:10
Email: [email protected]
Creative Writing: Fiction
Image of Professor TreharneElaine Treharne, Professor
Office: 460-327
Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 9:45-10:45
Phone: 723-4609
Email: [email protected]
Medieval Studies: the cultural contexts, contents, and languages of Early English manuscripts from c. 700 to 1500
Blakey Vermeule, Professor
Office: 460-325
Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 1:30-3:00 & by appt.
Phone: 650-723-2905
Email: [email protected]
18th-century British literature; Romanticism; critical theory; cognitive approaches to literature; the history of the novel
Tobias Wolff, Professor
Office: 460-218
Office Hours: Mon. 1:00-2:30 & Tues. 10:00-11:00 & by appt.
Phone: 650-723-0504
Email: [email protected]
American literature; development of the short story; autobiography; Chekhov.
Alex Woloch, Associate Professor
Office: 460-307
Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00-4:00 & by appt.
Phone: 650-723-4594
Email: [email protected]
Literary theory and criticism; narrative theory; aesthetics of realism; politics and literature; Austen; Dickens
Greg Wrenn, Lecturer
Office: 460-213
Office Hours: Tu 5:15-5:45 PM, W 1:15-3:45 PM
Phone: 650-725-1209
Email: [email protected]
Creative writing: poetry