68 Records Found | ||
Mark Algee-Hewitt, Lecturer Office: 460-321 Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 1:30-3:00 & by appointment Phone: 796-4196 Email: [email protected] | ||
Molly Antopol, Lecturer Office: building 460, room 213 Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:15 to 6:45 Phone: Email: [email protected] | Creative Writing: Fiction | |
John Bender, Professor Office: 460-341 Office Hours: Wed. 1:45-3:00 & Thurs. 1:45-3:30 Phone: 723-3817 Email: [email protected] | Literature and society in the 18th-century; comparative study of literature and the visual arts: sociology of literature; literary theory; science and literature | |
Eavan Boland, Professor Office: 460-223C Office Hours: Phone: 650-725-1207 Email: [email protected] | The writing and continuance of poetry; women and poetry; Irish literature; computer technology. | |
Helen B. Brooks, Senior Lecturer Emerita Office: 460-222 Office Hours: Wednesday 2:15-4:15 pm & by appt. Phone: 650-723-0813 Email: [email protected] | Poetry of John Donne; early modern and modern poetry; Shakespeare; literary theory (particularly reception theory, new historicism), interdisciplinary study in the Humanities, early modern art; literary modernism, intellectual and cultural history; and gender studies. | |
Kai Carlson-Wee, Lecturer Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: [email protected] | ||
Anne Carson, Visiting Professor Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: | Poetry | |
Terry Castle, Professor Office: 460-313 Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00-5:00 & by appt. Phone: 650-725-1217 Email: [email protected] | The English novel; Richardson; Defoe; Fielding; 18th-century women authors; 20th-century British women's writing; the First World War; feminist theory; Freud; gay and lesbian literature | |
Harriet Clark, Lecturer Office: Room 209, Margaret Jacks Hall Office Hours: Mon/Wed 3:15-4:45 Phone: 650-723-0499 Email: [email protected] | Creative Writing: Fiction | |
Marvin Diogenes, Lecturer Office: Sweet Hall 311 Office Hours: Phone: 723-4642 Email: [email protected] | Writing and Rhetoric | |
Keith Ekiss, Lecturer Office: Margaret Jacks, Rm. 210 Office Hours: M/W: 11:15am - 1:15PM Phone: 650-723-2638 Email: [email protected] | Creative Writing: Poetry | |
Michele Elam, Professor Office: 460-319 Office Hours: Thursday 1:00-3:00 & by appt. Phone: 650-723-0043 Email: [email protected] | 19th-21st Century African American literature, history & theory; Mixed Race Studies; Black Feminist Theory; Black Cultural Performance | |
John W. Evans, Lecturer Office: 460-211 Office Hours: T/TH: 3:15-4:15 Phone: 650-723-2638 Email: [email protected] | Creative Writing: Poetry | |
Ken Fields, Professor Office: 460-217 Office Hours: Tues. 10-11, 3-4 & Wed. 3-4 Phone: 650-723-1201 Email: [email protected] | Creative writing; American literature; French symbolist poetry; American Indian literature; film | |
Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Professor Office: 460-420 Office Hours: Tuesday 3:00-4:30 & by appt. Phone: 650-723-1804 Email: [email protected] | 19th- and 20th-century American literature and cultural history; Issues of race, gender and ethnicity; Mark Twain; transnational American Studies; journalism history and nonfiction narrative; feminism; theatre history; literature and the animal rights movement | |
Sarah Frisch, Lecturer Office: 460-211 Office Hours: MW: 2:10-3:10 Phone: Email: [email protected] | Creative Writing: Fiction | |
Denise Gigante, Professor Office: 460-329 Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13 Phone: 650-725-7080 Email: [email protected] | 18th and 19th-century British; Romanticism; poetry and poetics; the essay tradition; taste, gastronomy, and aesthetic theory; transatlantic book history; life writing and life science | |
Roland Greene, Professor Office: 460-302 Office Hours: Tuesday 12 noon to 2:00 & by appt. Phone: 650-725-1214 Email: [email protected] | Early modern literature; transatlantic culture and society; poetry and the history of how it is read; literary and cultural theory, especially lyric theory; Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton | |
Cynthia Haven, Publicist for "Another Look" Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: [email protected] | Literary and cultural journalism and writing | |
Jillian Hess, Lecturer Office: 460-305 Office Hours: Thursday 2:00-4:00 & by appt. Phone: 723-4613 Email: [email protected] | 19th century literature, the history of media, and digital writing | |
Blair Hoxby, Associate Professor Office: 460-414 Office Hours: Tues. & Wed. 11:00-12:00 Phone: 723-9493 Email: [email protected] | Milton, the English Civil Wars, the Restoration, Renaissance and Enlightenment theater, tragedy and tragic theory, early opera, and performance theory | |
Maria Hummel, Lecturer Office: 220 Office Hours: M, noon-1pm; W, 11am-1pm Phone: 650-723-4968 Email: [email protected] | Poetry, Creative Nonfiction | |
Scott Hutchins, Lecturer Office: 460-213 Office Hours: Mon 5:10pm-7pm Phone: 725-1209 Email: [email protected] | Creative Writing: Fiction | |
Claire Jarvis, Assistant Professor Office: 460-309 Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs 9:30-10:30 & 1:00-3:00 Phone: 723-0050 Email: [email protected] | Victorian literature; material culture; poetry; theories of sexuality; cultural and literary history. | |
Nicholas Jenkins, Associate Professor Office: 460-423 Office Hours: Mon. 3:00-4:30 (Sweet 314) Fri. 3:00-4:30 (460-423) Phone: 650-723-2725 Email: [email protected] | W.H. Auden; 19th-, 20th- and 21st-century poetry in English; Modernism; British culture of the 1930s; contemporary British culture; literary and cultural theory; intersections of art and literature; literary cosmopolitanism, nationalism, internationalism; history of the book | |
Adam Johnson, Associate Professor Office: 460-324 Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 3:15-4:15 & Wed. 6:15-7:15 pm Phone: 650-723-4657 Email: [email protected] | Narrative theory, the development of the novel, collaboration, graphic narratives and new technologies | |
Gavin Jones, Professor and Department Chair Office: 460-201C Office Hours: Wed. 3:00-4:00 & Fri. 11:00-12:00 Phone: 650-723-1560 Email: [email protected] | Nineteenth-century American literature; American modernism; language politics; social issues in literature; African-American and ethnic writing; representations of social class; failure. | |
Michelle Karnes, Assistant Professor Office: 460-311 Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13 Phone: 650-725-6485 Email: [email protected] | Medieval literature; philosophy; theology; William Langland; Chaucer; mysticism; education; the Bible | |
Tom Kealey, Lecturer Office: Building 460, Room 221 Office Hours: Thursdays, 3:30-5:30pm Phone: Email: [email protected] | Fiction Writing; Graphic Noveling; Screenwriting; Creative Nonfiction | |
Dana Kletter, Lecturer Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: [email protected] | Creative writing: fiction | |
Peter Kline, Lecturer Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: [email protected] | Creative Writing: Poetry and Creative Nonfiction | |
Kenneth Ligda, Lecturer Office: 460-315 Office Hours: MW 3:30-5:00 Phone: Email: [email protected] | British modern literature, comedy | |
Ivan Lupic, Assistant Professor Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: | Shakespeare and early modern English literature; European Renaissance; literature and political thought; textual scholarship, book history, and manuscript studies; theater history; history of the discipline (whatever it is); translation studies; queer studies; new boredom | |
Saikat Majumdar, Assistant Professor Office: 460-415 Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 12:45-2PM & by appt. Phone: 723-2726 Email: [email protected] | World literature in English, modernism, critical theory, colonial and postcolonial studies | |
Anthony Marra, Lecturer Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: [email protected] | ||
Mark McGurl, Professor Office: 460-419 Office Hours: Tuesday 3:15-5:00 & by appt. Phone: 723-4722 Email: [email protected] | Twentieth-Century American Literature and Culture. The Novel. Sociology and Literature. Classical Hollywood Cinema. | |
Valerie Miner, Consulting Professor Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: [email protected] | Writing, feminist studies | |
![]() | Franco Moretti, Professor Office: 460-416 Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13 Phone: 650-723-4590 Email: [email protected] | Cultural geography; theory of the novel and of tragedy; interdisciplinary models |
Paula Moya, Associate Professor Office: English 460-331 Office Hours: Wed. 10:30-11:30 & Thurs. by appt. Phone: 650-723-0034 Email: [email protected] | 20th and 21st Century American Literature and Culture, Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Narrative Theory, Feminist Theory, Philosophies of Race, Social Psychological Approaches to Literature, Ethnic Literature | |
Sianne Ngai, Professor Office: 460-417 Office Hours: Monday 1:00-3:00 & by appt. Phone: 723-4622 Email: [email protected] | 19th-21st Century American Literature, Aesthetic Theory and Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies. | |
Hilton Obenzinger, Lecturer Office: 460-222 Office Hours: Mon. 1:30-2:30 & Wed. 1:30-2:30 & 5:30-6:30 pm Phone: 650-723-0330 Email: [email protected] | Melville, Twain, 19th and 20th century American literature and culture, particularly comedy and satire, religion, American cultural encounters with the Middle East, and comparative settler-colonial studies. | |
Stephen Orgel, Professor Office: 460-304 Office Hours: Mon. 1:30-2:30 & Thurs. 10-12 Phone: 650-723-4597 Email: [email protected] | Shakespeare, Renaissance theater, history of the book, mythology and iconology | |
Patricia Parker, Professor Office: 460-338 Office Hours: Phone: 650-723-1818 Email: [email protected] | Shakespeare; comparative early modern studies; feminism and race | |
Brittany Perham, Office: Margaret Jacks 213 Office Hours: Phone: 725-1209 Email: [email protected] | Creative Writing: Poetry | |
Peggy Phelan, Professor Office: 460-339 Office Hours: Phone: 723-2723 Email: [email protected] | Twentieth-Century performance, dance and visual art. Beckett. Critical Theory. Performance and Politics | |
Richard Powers, Visiting Professor Office: 460-223 Office Hours: Phone: 723-0011 Email: | Fiction Writing | |
Shannon Pufahl, Lecturer Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: [email protected] | ||
Phoebe Putnam, Lecturer Office: 460-314 Office Hours: Wednesday 3:30-5:30 & by appt. Phone: 723-2635 Email: [email protected] | American literature and visual arts, visual culture, and the history of optics; poetry and poetics; green literary traditions from Virgil to Annie Dillard | |
Kirstin Quade, Lecturer Office: 460-209 Office Hours: TTh 1:15-2:45 Phone: Email: [email protected] | Creatieve Writing: Fiction | |
Vaughn Rasberry, Assistant Professor Office: 460-326 Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 9:30-11:00 & by appt. Phone: 723-4226 Email: [email protected] | American and African American Studies; twentieth-century American fiction; the Enlightenment and its critics; philosophical theories of modernity; postcolonial theory | |
Judith Richardson, Senior Lecturer Office: 460-323 Office Hours: Tues. 1-3 & Thurs. 1-2 Phone: 650-723-2724 Email: [email protected] | Nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literature and culture: place and historical memory; regionalism; women's studies; popular culture; folklore. | |
Rebecca Richardson, Lecturer Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: [email protected] | ||
Nancy Ruttenburg, Professor Office: 460-418 Office Hours: By appointment Phone: 650-725-1644 Email: [email protected] | Literatures and cultures of colonial through antebellum America and of 19th-century Russia; North American literature in comparative context; democratic theory and history of modern democratic forms; novel history and theory; philosophies of religion and ethics. | |
Ramon Saldivar, Professor Office: 460-322 Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00-3:30 & by appt. Phone: 650-725-1213 Email: [email protected] | 20th Century American, British, and postcolonial cultural history and theory; modernity and postmodernity; literary theory; theory of the novel; US Latino writings | |
Cintia Santana, Lecturer Office: Pigott Hall 243 Office Hours: Phone: Email: [email protected] | Literary Translation | |
Nina Schloesser, Lecturer Office: 460-209 Office Hours: Monday 11-1 & Wednesday 12-1 Phone: Email: [email protected] | Creative Writing: Fiction | |
Stephen Hong Sohn , Assistant Professor Office: 460-422 Office Hours: T/Th. 3:45-4:15, 8:15pm-9:15pm & by appt. Phone: 723-3014 Email: [email protected] | Asian American Literature, Asian American Studies, transnationalism and globalization, critical theory, urban studies, cultural geography, gender and sexuality, psychoanalysis | |
![]() | Stephanie Soileau, Lecturer Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: [email protected] | Creative Writing: Fiction |
Adena Spingarn, Lecturer Office: 460-303 Office Hours: Mon. 1-2 & Wed. 2-4 Phone: 723-9776 Email: [email protected] | 19th and 20th century American literature and literary history, African American literature | |
Alice Staveley, Lecturer Office: 328 Office Hours: W 3-4; TH 1-3 & by appt. Phone: 650-723-0131 Email: [email protected] | British Modernism; Book History; Virginia Woolf; Periodical culture; Canadian Literature | |
Jennifer Summit, Professor Office: 460-318 Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13 Phone: 650-723-2634 Email: [email protected] | Histories of reading, writing and knowledge, late medieval through early modern England; literary history and periodization; English and the disciplines | |
Elizabeth Tallent, Professor Office: 460-214 Office Hours: Phone: 650-723-0031 Email: [email protected] | The short story and novel form, feminist literary tradition, gay and lesbian literature. | |
Shimon Tanaka, Lecturer Office: 460-212 Office Hours: Tuesday 5:10-7:10, Thursday 5:10-6:10 Phone: Email: [email protected] | Creative Writing: Fiction | |
![]() | Elaine Treharne, Professor Office: 460-327 Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 9:45-10:45 Phone: 723-4609 Email: [email protected] | Medieval Studies: the cultural contexts, contents, and languages of Early English manuscripts from c. 700 to 1500 |
Blakey Vermeule, Professor Office: 460-325 Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 1:30-3:00 & by appt. Phone: 650-723-2905 Email: [email protected] | 18th-century British literature; Romanticism; critical theory; cognitive approaches to literature; the history of the novel | |
Tobias Wolff, Professor Office: 460-218 Office Hours: Mon. 1:00-2:30 & Tues. 10:00-11:00 & by appt. Phone: 650-723-0504 Email: [email protected] | American literature; development of the short story; autobiography; Chekhov. | |
Alex Woloch, Associate Professor Office: 460-307 Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00-4:00 & by appt. Phone: 650-723-4594 Email: [email protected] | Literary theory and criticism; narrative theory; aesthetics of realism; politics and literature; Austen; Dickens | |
Greg Wrenn, Lecturer Office: 460-213 Office Hours: Tu 5:15-5:45 PM, W 1:15-3:45 PM Phone: 650-725-1209 Email: [email protected] | Creative writing: poetry |