7 Records Found | ||
Claire Jarvis, Assistant Professor Office: 460-309 Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs 9:30-10:30 & 1:00-3:00 Phone: 723-0050 Email: [email protected] | Victorian literature; material culture; poetry; theories of sexuality; cultural and literary history. | |
Michelle Karnes, Assistant Professor Office: 460-311 Office Hours: On Leave 2012-13 Phone: 650-725-6485 Email: [email protected] | Medieval literature; philosophy; theology; William Langland; Chaucer; mysticism; education; the Bible | |
Ivan Lupic, Assistant Professor Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: | Shakespeare and early modern English literature; European Renaissance; literature and political thought; textual scholarship, book history, and manuscript studies; theater history; history of the discipline (whatever it is); translation studies; queer studies; new boredom | |
Saikat Majumdar, Assistant Professor Office: 460-415 Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 12:45-2PM & by appt. Phone: 723-2726 Email: [email protected] | World literature in English, modernism, critical theory, colonial and postcolonial studies | |
Vaughn Rasberry, Assistant Professor Office: 460-326 Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 9:30-11:00 & by appt. Phone: 723-4226 Email: [email protected] | American and African American Studies; twentieth-century American fiction; the Enlightenment and its critics; philosophical theories of modernity; postcolonial theory | |
Judith Richardson, Senior Lecturer Office: 460-323 Office Hours: Tues. 1-3 & Thurs. 1-2 Phone: 650-723-2724 Email: [email protected] | Nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literature and culture: place and historical memory; regionalism; women's studies; popular culture; folklore. | |
Stephen Hong Sohn , Assistant Professor Office: 460-422 Office Hours: T/Th. 3:45-4:15, 8:15pm-9:15pm & by appt. Phone: 723-3014 Email: [email protected] | Asian American Literature, Asian American Studies, transnationalism and globalization, critical theory, urban studies, cultural geography, gender and sexuality, psychoanalysis |