65 Courses Found for Spring Quarter 2012-2013
Number Room Days Time Professor Title Syllabus
ENGLISH 16SI460-334 T 7:00-8:30 Richardson, Judith and Vanessa Moody Contemporary Children's Literaturelink to download syllabus for Contemporary Children's Literaturewith Richardson
ENGLISH 46N240-101 TTh 2:15-3:45 Jones, Gavin The Hemingway Eralink to download syllabus for The Hemingway Erawith Jones
ENGLISH 50N160-317 TTh 8:30-10:00 Elam, Michele The Literature of Inequality: Have and Have-Nots from the Gilded Age to the Occupy Eralink to download syllabus for The Literature of Inequality: Have and Have-Nots from the Gilded Age to the Occupy Erawith Elam
ENGLISH 90-1200-201 MW 11:00-12:50 Schloesser, Nina Fiction Writing
ENGLISH 90-2200-201 MW 1:15-3:05 Kletter, Dana Fiction Writinglink to download syllabus for Fiction Writingwith Kletter
ENGLISH 90-3200-201 MW 3:15-5:05 Frisch, Sarah Fiction Writinglink to download syllabus for Fiction Writingwith Frisch
ENGLISH 90-4200-201 TTh 10:00-11:50 Kealey, Tom Fiction Writinglink to download syllabus for Fiction Writingwith Kealey
ENGLISH 90-5160-323 TTh 1:15-3:05 Soileau, Stephanie Fiction Writing
ENGLISH 90-6420-245 TTh 3:15-5:05 Tanaka, Shimon Fiction Writinglink to download syllabus for Fiction Writingwith Tanaka
ENGLISH 90-7110-114 TTh 1:15-3:05 Clark, Harriet Fiction Writinglink to download syllabus for Fiction Writingwith Clark
ENGLISH 91-1110-114 MW 1:15-3:05 Perham, Brittany Creative Nonfictionlink to download syllabus for Creative Nonfictionwith Perham
ENGLISH 91-2110-114 MW 3:15-5:05 Kletter, Dana Creative Nonfictionlink to download syllabus for Creative Nonfictionwith Kletter
ENGLISH 91-320-21B TTh 10:00-11:50 Quade, Kirstin Creative Nonfictionlink to download syllabus for Creative Nonfictionwith Quade
ENGLISH 91-4110-101 TTh 1:15-3:05 Antopol, Molly Creative Nonfiction
ENGLISH 91-5Educ36 TTh 10:00-11:50 Evans, John W. Creative Nonfiction
ENGLISH 91-6200-032 TTh 1:15-3:05 Kline, Peter Creative Nonfictionlink to download syllabus for Creative Nonfictionwith Kline
ENGLISH 92-1200-201 TTh 3:15-5:05 Wrenn, Greg Reading and Writing Poetrylink to download syllabus for Reading and Writing Poetrywith Wrenn
ENGLISH 92-2250-108 MW 10:00-11:50 Evans, John W. Reading and Writing Poetrylink to download syllabus for Reading and Writing Poetrywith Evans
ENGLISH 94-1200-201 TTh 1:15-3:05 Wrenn, Greg Writing Across Genreslink to download syllabus for Writing Across Genreswith Wrenn
ENGLISH 94-2160-314 MW 1:15-3:05 Ekiss, Keith Writing Across Genreslink to download syllabus for Writing Across Genreswith Ekiss
ENGLISH 100C260-113 TTh 11:00-12:30 McGurl, Mark and Claire Jarvis and Nicholas Jenkins Literary History IIIlink to download syllabus for Literary History IIIwith McGurl
ENGLISH 100C260-113 TTh 11:00-12:30 Jarvis, Claire and Mark McGurl and Nicholas Jenkins Literary History IIIlink to download syllabus for Literary History IIIwith Jarvis
ENGLISH 100C260-113 TTh 11:00-12:30 Jenkins, Nicholas and Mark McGurl and Claire Jarvis Literary History III
ENGLISH 123200-203 MW 11:00-12:30 Richardson, Judith American Literature and Culture to 1855link to download syllabus for American Literature and Culture to 1855with Richardson
ENGLISH 132D200-105 TTh 9:00-10:50 Algee-Hewitt, Mark Suspense and Fear in Literature: Digitally Decoding a Literary Effect link to download syllabus for Suspense and Fear in Literature: Digitally Decoding a Literary Effect  with Algee-Hewitt
ENGLISH 144B160-317 MW 9:00-10:50 Staveley, Alice Contemporary British Fictionlink to download syllabus for Contemporary British Fictionwith Staveley
ENGLISH 146300-300 MW 1:15-2:45 Tallent, Elizabeth Development of the Short Story: Continuity & Innovationlink to download syllabus for Development of the Short Story: Continuity & Innovationwith Tallent
ENGLISH 148160-125 TTh 9:00-10:50 Phelan, Peggy Family Drama: American Plays about Familieslink to download syllabus for Family Drama: American Plays about Familieswith Phelan
ENGLISH 151C160-319 TTh 2:15-4:05 McGurl, Mark Wastelands
ENGLISH 152F200-203 TTh 11:00-11:50 Moya, Paula and Hazel Markus Doing Race and Ethnicity: How and Why it Matters
ENGLISH 153A240-110 MW 2:15-4:05 Majumdar, Saikat James Joyce
ENGLISH 153J240-110 MW 12:15-2:05 Staveley, Alice Virginia Woolf: Form, Function, Feminismlink to download syllabus for Virginia Woolf: Form, Function, Feminismwith Staveley
ENGLISH 16060-120 MW 11:00-12:30 Boland, Eavan Poetry and Poetics
ENGLISH 161200-303 TTh 1:15-3:05 Johnson, Adam Narrative and Narrative Theory
ENGLISH 162200-034 MW 11:00-12:30 Majumdar, Saikat Critical Methodslink to download syllabus for Critical Methodswith Majumdar
ENGLISH 163BEduc334 MW 11:00-12:30 Orgel, Stephen The Other Shakespearelink to download syllabus for The Other Shakespearewith Orgel
ENGLISH 164-1420-371 TTh 3:15-5:05 Jarvis, Claire Senior Seminar: Writing about Sexlink to download syllabus for Senior Seminar: Writing about Sexwith Jarvis
ENGLISH 164-2240-201 MW 3:15-5:05 Ngai, Sianne Senior Seminar: The Paranoid Imagination
ENGLISH 164-3240-201 MW 1:15-3:05 Elam, Michele Senior Seminar: Literary Arts and Activism
ENGLISH 173HEduc128 MW 11:00-12:30 Ngai, Sianne Passions, Emotions, Moods
ENGLISH 175C110-101 MW 1:15-3:05 Spingarn, Adena Natives, Immigrants, and Pioneers: The Culture and Politics of the American Landscapelink to download syllabus for Natives, Immigrants, and Pioneers: The Culture and Politics of the American Landscapewith Spingarn
ENGLISH 190-180-115 MW 1:15-3:05 Frisch, Sarah Intermediate Fiction Writinglink to download syllabus for Intermediate Fiction Writingwith Frisch
ENGLISH 190-220-21G TTh 1:15-3:05 Quade, Kirstin Intermediate Fiction Writinglink to download syllabus for Intermediate Fiction Writingwith Quade
ENGLISH 190T-1110-101 T 6:15-9:05 Hutchins, Scott Topics in Intermediate Fiction Writing: Twitter Fiction/Future Formslink to download syllabus for Topics in Intermediate Fiction Writing: Twitter Fiction/Future Formswith Hutchins
ENGLISH 190T-2Meyer 220 MW 3:15-5:05 Kealey, Tom Topics in Intermediate Fiction Writing: The Imaginative Realmslink to download syllabus for Topics in Intermediate Fiction Writing: The Imaginative Realmswith Kealey
ENGLISH 191200-015 MW 1:15-3:05 Evans, John W. Intermediate Creative Nonfictionlink to download syllabus for Intermediate Creative Nonfictionwith Evans
ENGLISH 191T80-115 TTh 1:15-3:05 Tanaka, Shimon Topics in Intermediate Creative Nonfiction: Stanford Arts Reviewlink to download syllabus for Topics in Intermediate Creative Nonfiction:  Stanford Arts Reviewwith Tanaka
ENGLISH 192200-201 T 6:15-9:05 Hummel, Maria Intermediate Poetry Writinglink to download syllabus for Intermediate Poetry Writingwith Hummel
ENGLISH 192TMeyer 220 MW 3:15-5:05 Ekiss, Keith Topics in Intermediate Poetry: Imaginative Realmslink to download syllabus for Topics in Intermediate Poetry:  Imaginative Realmswith Ekiss
ENGLISH 192V110-101 T 3:15-6:05 Carson, Anne The Occasions of Poetrylink to download syllabus for The Occasions of Poetrywith Carson
ENGLISH 201460-334 TTh 3:15-5:05 Parker, Patricia Bible and Literature
ENGLISH 209Barchas Room TTh 11:00-12:50 Brown, George and David Jordan Paleography of Medieval and Early Modern Manuscriptslink to download syllabus for Paleography of Medieval and Early Modern Manuscriptswith Brown
ENGLISH 291110-114 TTh 3:15-5:05 Antopol, Molly Advanced Creative Nonfiction
ENGLISH 292110-101 MW 3:15-5:05 Perham, Brittany Advanced Poetry Writinglink to download syllabus for Advanced Poetry Writingwith Perham
ENGLISH 29350-52E TTh 3:15-5:05 Santana, Cintia Literary Translation
ENGLISH 314460-301 T 6:15-9:05 Parker, Patricia Epic and Empire
ENGLISH 365D80-115 T 3:15-6:05 Ruttenburg, Nancy American Rebellion: Anne Hutchinson to Thomas Painelink to download syllabus for American Rebellion:  Anne Hutchinson to Thomas Painewith Ruttenburg
ENGLISH 369E80-115 M 3:15-6:05 Rasberry, Vaughn Postcolonial Theory in Motion: from the Bandung Era to the Presentlink to download syllabus for Postcolonial Theory in Motion: from the Bandung Era to the Presentwith Rasberry
ENGLISH 373A80-115 W 3:15-6:05 Orgel, Stephen Shakespeare from Script to Stagelink to download syllabus for Shakespeare from Script to Stagewith Orgel
ENGLISH 390460-424 W 3:15-6:05 Johnson, Adam Graduate Fiction Workshop
ENGLISH 392Jones Room W 3:15-6:05 Di Piero, Simone Graduate Poetry Workshop
*COMPLIT 10N420-286 TTh 1:15-2:30 Parker, Patricia Shakespeare and Performance in a Global Context
*THINK 30200-203 TTh 11:00-11:50 Moya, Paula and Hazel Markus Race Matters
*THINK 31320-105 TTh 12:15-1:05 Fishkin, Shelley Fisher and A. Hobbs Reimagining America: Cultural Memory and Identity Since the Civil War
*AMSTUD 160EncinaW106 MW 3:15-5:05 Richardson, Judith Perspectives on American Identity