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Student Housing supports Stanford University’s mission of scholarship, research, and teaching by providing students with clean, safe, secure, and well-maintained residences. A division of Residential & Dining Enterprises, we strive to enable comfortable and inclusive communities that foster both personal and intellectual growth.
Student Housing’s mission is defined by these objectives:
Operate, furnish, clean, maintain, and provide general landlord services for five million square feet of campus residential space in 360 different housing facilities.
Assign more than 11,000 students and their families to housing each year.
Offer “one-stop” Housing Front Desks that help students identify and use campus resources.
Oversee the Student Housing Master Plan.
Direct the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Student Housing Asset Resource Program (SHARP), and related programs.
Through Stanford Conferences, Student Housing also provides on-campus housing facilities and services for a variety of visitors who participate in Stanford conferences and summer youth camps.
Student Housing is a self-supporting, non-profit service of the University. Revenue comes exclusively from student and conferee room rates and related services, and supports all Student Housing costs in the Stanford housing system.
To keep student room rates as low as possible, we streamline operations wherever practicable and reduce utility and energy costs as much as possible.
We consider students our partners. We work closely with them so we can provide the highest-quality residential services and support systems while also managing housing in a fiscally-responsible manner.