The Community Housing office is now partnering with Places4Students to provide ALL current and incoming Stanford affiliates with access to rental listings and property owners and managers with the ability to enter and manage their rental listings on-line. Stanford affiliates with Stanford email addresses can access the rental listings immediately after setting up an account with Places4Students. Incoming Stanford affiliates who do not yet have Stanford email addresses will need to request a temporary user name and password.

Stanford's On-Campus Graduate Housing sublease Database:

Student Housing has a sublease database to make it easier for graduate students to find sublease tenants for one academic term per year, with certain restrictions. Stanford students living in graduate housing may post a listing for their space in graduate housing. Stanford (non-undergraduate) affiliates who are looking for a short-term room or apartment may view the sublease listings. During the academic year, only students taking a vacation quarter or a one-quarter leave of absence may sublet their spaces in graduate housing. During autumn term, only enrolled matriculated graduate students may take an on-campus student housing sublet.

Community Housing office


Phone: (650) 723-3906
FAX: (650) 736-1297
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing address: 630 Serra Street, Suite #110, Stanford, CA 94305-6034
Driving directions: Select here for driving directions from El Camino Real, from Highway 280, or from Highway 101
Map: Select here for a map showing the location of our office
Community Housing Supervisor: Jennifer Padilla-Wong

(to place, edit, or remove listings)

Phone: (866) 766-0767
E-mail: [email protected]

Last modified Fri, 2 Mar, 2012 at 12:10