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Faculty Leaders

Here's a unique perk you simply won't find anywhere else: a Stanford education to go. With renowned Stanford faculty and scholars leading the way, every Travel/Study trip is an intellectual adventure. Click on the bios below to learn more about each scholar.

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David Abernethy

Political Science Department

David Abernethy, professor emeritus of Political Science, specializes in the history and politics of sub-Saharan Africa and other non-Western regions.

Kevin Arrigo

Environmental Earth System Science

A biological oceanographer, Professor Arrigo's research focuses on understanding how marine ecosystems operate and how they respond to environmental disturbances.

Shahzad Bashir

Religious Studies

Shahzad's research specialty is the intellectual and social history of Iran and Central and Southern Asia. His constant interest throughout his many projects has been the relationship between human ideas and historical development.

Jonathan Berger


An active composer and researcher of music, Jonathan's expertise helps us understand, appreciate and enjoy musical performances in their historical context as well as in a modern-day setting.

Carl Bielefeldt

Religious Studies

A religious scholar, Professor Bielefeldt explains how Buddhism has changed to adapt to various cultures, and specifically, how changes have affected life in present-day Burma.

Carol Boggs


Biologist Carol Boggs discusses ecology and evolution, using the Galapagos ecosystem as a living laboratory.

Joel Brinkley


Brinkley joined Stanford after a 23-year career with the The New York Times where he served as a reporter, editor and Pulitzer-Prize winning foreign correspondent.

Dominic Brookshaw

Comparative Literature

Dominic Parviz Brookshaw, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Persian Literature teaches courses on modern and medieval Persian literature and pre-modern Islamic culture.

Scott Burns

Portland State University

A professor of geology and botany, Scott, '69, MS '70, is a born teacher. His enthusiasm and exuberance are contagious and his interest in flora and fauna becomes obvious on our walks.

James Campbell


Professor Campbell's current research focuses on questions of historical memory, exploring the stories that societies tell about themselves as well as the stories they choose not to tell.

Prudence Carter


Prudence explores racial and ethnic relations and the sociology of urban education. Her research in South African schools illuminates how school practices can either facilitate or diminish social divides in education.

Patrick Chamorel

Stanford in Washington

Patrick Chamorel is Senior Resident Scholar at the Bing Stanford in Washington Program. He teaches Political Science, with an emphasis on Comparative American and European Politics and Transatlantic Relations.

Barbara Clayton


Barbara Clayton joined the Stanford faculty in 2000 and has taught undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in the classics department. She is a passionate advocate of the value of the humanities in undergraduate education.

Joe Corn


Joseph Corn is a senior lecturer emeritus in the Department of History at Stanford University who specializes in the history of American technology and material culture.

Wanda M. Corn

Art History

Professor Corn's focus is modern art and visual culture. She is ideally suited to lead discussions about the arts and explain modern art and art history.

Roberto D'Alimonte

University of Florence, Italy

Dr. D'Alimonte, professor of political science and noted Italian political journalist, brings his unique understanding of modern Italian and European politics to his lectures.

Larry Diamond

Hoover Institution

As a student of the stability of democracy in developing countries, Larry focuses on the current political scene in the countries we visit and the issues and challenges they face.

Keila Diehl


Keila, an expert in Tibetan ritual life and Buddhism, has taught courses in anthropology, religious studies and music. She finds the juxtaposition of the ancient and the modern in exquisite mountainous landscapes endlessly fascinating.

David Dinter

Geology and Geophysics

David Dinter, '82 (Geology), MS '82 (Geophysics), associate professor of geology and geophysics at the University of Utah.

Robert Dunbar

Geological and Environmental Sciences

Rob's research focuses on oceanography and global climate change. During our expedition he will speak about coral reef ecology and the global impacts of changes in the Earth's oceans.

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