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GSB Pride/Out4Biz - Women Alumnae

  • Contacts: Anne Casscells (send message)

    Region: Global
    Members: 9 Member(s)

    Women alumnae of the GSB affililiated with GSB Pride (formerly Out4Biz). Whether you were part of GSB Pride/Out4Biz while a student or have affiliated later, you are welcome to join this community.  We hope to keep in touch and have occasional social events to bring us together.

This group is an alumni-created group and is not a chartered or official Stanford University group.

New Member Action

Once you have joined our group, don't forget to subscribe to our group's discussion board so you can post and receive posting by email. First select "Discussion Board" (under "Group Links"). Next on the discussion board page, under "Board Actions," choose "Subscribe." 

Group Actions