GSB Bay Area Women in Technology
Contacts: Gimena Pena Malcampo (send message)
Region: Global
Members: 64 Member(s)
Email: [email protected]
Meet other talented women in the fields of social media, software, hardware, IT, cloud computing, Internet, consumer electronics, telecomm, mobile, gaming, and more.
Our goal is to create a community that supports and connects women in Technology. A group that provides a way for them to get advice, pursue career opportunities, recruit great talent, share knowledge, and network among each other.
Join us at our next event to learn, have fun and be inspired!
New Member Actions
1. Subscribe to our group's discussion board so you can post and receive posting by email. First select "Discussion Board" (under "Group Links"). Next on the discussion board page, under "Board Actions," choose "Subscribe."
2. Make sure your profile (See "My Profile") is up to date with your current contact information.