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All types of Stanford groups are right here. Find a group of alumni who enjoyed similar Stanford experiences or a group that's all about where you are in life now. Wait—why pick just one? Join as many as you'd like. Or create your own using our quick-start guide.

Featured Groups

Stanford Asian American Alumni of Chicago

Region: Illinois, Wisconsin, and Northwest Indiana
Category: Asian/Asian American
Members: 31 Members

Description: Established in 2010, Stanford Asian American Alumni of Chicago aims to build a community among Asian and Asian-American alumni living in the Greater Chicagoland Area. Our programming will feature interesting cultural, culinary, social and professional events. Join to learn more!

Financial Services

Region: Global
Category: Career/Professional Interest
Members: 297 Members

Description: This group is for alumni involved in the financial services industry. It is intended to provide networking, career opportunities, and social opportunities for this community.

Showing 101 - 120 of 646

Stanford Alumni in the Roaring Fork Valley

Region: Global
Category: None
Members: 11 Members

Description: Stanford alumni living part or full-time in the Roaring Fork Valley

Beutelsbach VII

Region: Global
Category: None
Members: 37 Members

Description: Group for participants at Stanford in Germany, Group VII, July-December 1961.

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Harmonics Alumni

Region: Global
Category: None
Members: 26 Members

Description: For all alumni of the Stanford Harmonics!

Alumni Creative Camp

Region: Global
Category: None
Members: 21 Members

Description: Attendees of the Alumni Creative Camp scheduled for April 28 - May 1 at Stanford Sierra Camp on Fallen Leaf Lake.  Connect with fellow attendees before and after the event.

Stanford Muslim Alumni Association

Region: Global
Category: Career/Professional Interest,Career Advice,Industry,Leadership,Nonprofit,Religion & Spirituality
Members: 306 Members

Description: The Stanford Muslim Alumni Association (SMAA) seeks to cultivate a platform to reach and engage all Stanford Muslim alumni and students in order to provide resources, support, mentorship, and a strong sense of community.

Stanford All-Dance Alumni/ae Alliance

Region: Global
Category: Career/Professional Interest,Career Advice,Industry,Leadership,Nonprofit,Health & Wellness,Hobbies & Interests,Academics,Stanford Traditions & Culture,Student Activities
Members: 163 Members

Description: The Stanford All-Dance Alumni/ae Alliance was created in response to successful Reunion organizing of Stanford alums interested in various kinds of dance. We danced, we talked, it was a good time. This e-group exists to make future Reunion dance organizing easier, and to connect dance obsessed alums with each other. Have dance shoes, will travel. Everyone is welcome to join.

GSB Beacon

Region: Global
Category: None

Description: This group is only open to those attending the 2011 Stanford GSB Beacon program. Beacon is a "Life Transitions Initiative," targeted at alumni who are moving from their primary careers to working for purpose. This inaugural program ran from June 8 - 11, 2011. Read More

Class of 1996 Reunion Leadership Committee

Region: Global
Category: Class Year
Members: 6 Members

Description: This group is for the leadership team organizing the 15th reunion for the Class of 1996.  We will use this space to communicate and efficiently coordinate our planning for our 2011 reunion.

Stanford Alumni in Shanghai

Region: China
Category: None
Members: 134 Members


In the most prosperous city in mainland China, as a Stanford Alumni, do you want to receive the latest invitations of parties and events? Do you want to know new persons? Do you want to share your latest news? Or do you want to publish discussions?
If the answer of any above questions is yes, please join.  Party season will start after Chinese New Year 2011.

Stanford in Germany Gruppe XXIII Alumni 2011 Mini-Reunion

Region: Global
Category: None
Members: 1 Members

Description: Stanford in Germany Gruppe XXIII was at Landgut Burg in Beutelsbach, Germany from June 1969 to December 1969.  Since 2001 many members of that group have gathered for mini-reunions that have been held at Stanford, Portland, OR, Missoula, MT and even at the very Burg itself.  We try to gather somewhere every year, and at Stanford for the Reunion years of Class of '71 and '72.  In 2014 for our 45th Anniversary we plan to meet at the Burg again followed by a trip to Berlin.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Region: Global
Category: None
Members: 4 Members

Description: This is a networking group dedicated to Standford SAE Alumni.  If you survived three years of Jungle Party, Roman Bath, Golf Night & Paddy Murphy, then you're in the right spot.  If you slithered out of "Chunder Dome" or actually made it IN to a home football game, this may not be the group for you.  I hope this site helps us reconnect and assist graduates with lucrative business opportunities.   

Otero '82-'83

Region: Global
Category: Class Year
Members: 5 Members

Description: Did you live in Otero in 1982-83?  Join the group to reconnect, post pictures and find out where and when Oterans (is that what we called ourselves?!) are getting together.  Our reunion is October 20-23, 2011 - mark your calendar!

Iranian Stanford Alumni

Region: Global
Category: Stanford Traditions & Culture
Members: 11 Members

Description: The Iranian Stanford Alumni hosts an annual Norooz celebration each Spring.

This event will be on March 10, 2012 at the Frances Arrillaga Alumni Center. 

SBSAA Board of Directors

Region: Global
Category: Volunteering for Stanford

Description: This is the official group for our Stanford Business School Alumni Association Board of Directors to share ideas and continue discussions between board meetings. Have suggestions for the SBSAA Board? Email [email protected]

Pi Phis - 1980s

Region: Global
Category: Women
Members: 7 Members

Description: Were you a Pi Phi in the 1980s?  Join the group to reconnect, post pictures and find out where and when Pi Phis are getting together!

Stanford University Baseball Alumni

Region: Global
Category: Life and Leisure
Members: 6 Members


Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc - Xi Beta Alums

Region: Global
Category: Black/African-American,Women,Young Alumni,Volunteering in General
Members: 32 Members


The "Women of Nia" in 1981, was the first AKA interest group on campus. On June 25, 1981, their dreams became a reality and "Women of Nia" became Women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and the first members of Xi Beta Chapter, Stanford University.

Through the years, Xi Beta members continue to hold themselves to high standards, and continue to fulfill the legacy set before them by their predecessors. This group is for sisters who share that experience and legacy.

Stanford Student Firefighters Alumni

Region: Global
Category: Stanford Life
Members: 24 Members


Students who lived and worked at the Stanford University Fire Department, either at the old Firehouse across the street from Tresidder Union or at the new fire station across Serra Street from Escondido Village.

Delta Kappa Epsilon

Region: Global
Category: Stanford Life
Members: 6 Members

Description: Alumni of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Sigma Rho Chapter

Stanford Alumni at the Orange Bowl

Region: Global
Category: None
Members: 27 Members

Description: Join this group if you're on your way to Miami to watch Stanford vs. Virginia Tech in the Orange Bowl.
You'll find links to partner hotels , event information, and more.  Subscribe to the discussion board.
Showing 101 - 120 of 646

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