Winter Planting with Save the Bay
Event Details
Date/Time: Sat, December 08, 2012
09:00AM - 12:00PMVenue: The Baylands Preserve, East Palo Alto Location: 2775 Embarcadero Way, Palo Alto CA 94303 | Map address Registration Period: 09/23/2012-12/08/2012 Contact: Ms. Julie W. Whitcomb415-359-8814
Work with other members of the Stanford alumni community, family, and friends on a winter planting project with Save the Bay, at the Baylands Preserve in East Palo Alto. Have fun and "make Jane proud" helping to restore valuable and beautiful wetlands near campus. Optional picnic lunch afterwards.
Event Activities
Winter Planting with Save the Bay
Saturday, December 08, 2012
@ 9:00 AM
Event Actions
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