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White Plaza Watch -- Archives

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    The Arcades of the Quad


    The Arcades in the Main Quad possess many stunning architectural features that can make any walk to class intriguing and fun.

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    Posted by Mr. Grant Cameron Delgado on Oct 31 2010 9:46PM | 0 comments

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    White Plaza Watch Is Moving . . .

    After a year of fantastic student photos, we're making a big move. Starting October 25, White Plaza Watch photographers will be part of Every Day Stanford, formerly a yearlong project by one alumna as she approached her 30-year reunion and now an expanded view of life on the Farm by many alumni, student, faculty and University staff shutterbugs. 

    Please check out Every Day Stanford for the latest campus and student-life photography, and to find out how you can join the group.

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    Posted by Ms. Summer Moore Batte on Oct 25 2010 2:10PM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:
    Moonbeams --> Coupa

    PENTAX K-7, smc PENTAX-FA 43mm F1.9 Limited

    Moonbeams was shuttered over the summer, to be replaced by yet another Coupa Cafe location. To my knowledge, that brings the total Coupa Cafe locations to three: downtown Palo Alto, Y2E2, and just outside Meyer and Green libraries.

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    Posted by Dr. Andy Yun-Cheng Lin on Oct 15 2010 12:00AM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:
    Mechanical Behavior Laboratory

    PENTAX K-7, smc PENTAX-FA 43mm F1.9 Limited

    I'm a CA for a materials science lab course this quarter (MATSCI 163/173) which involves mechanical testing of different materials. The first lab involves compression and tension tests, and here the students (a mix of undergrads and grads) are doing diametric tension and compression tests of bone cement, made from commercial kits used in operating rooms.

    New and old: following paper and Kindle versions of lab procedures.

    Yes, those are safety glasses. Just stylish ones.

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    Posted by Dr. Andy Yun-Cheng Lin on Oct 12 2010 4:01PM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:
    Cooling Off

    Students cooling off in the fountain in front of Hoover Tower

    PENTAX K-7, smc PENTAX-M 135mm F3.5

    The recent heat wave drove some students to do some fountain hopping.

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    Posted by Dr. Andy Yun-Cheng Lin on Oct 1 2010 5:36PM | 0 comments

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    White Plaza Watch

    PENTAX K-7, smc PENTAX-M 135mm F3.5

    It seemed fitting to kick off another school year with two images of the Claw in White Plaza. I bet the fountains were pretty popular these last few days due to the heat wave.

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    Posted by Dr. Andy Yun-Cheng Lin on Sep 28 2010 11:56PM | 0 comments

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    Just Biking Around...


    A Stanford student bikes to class but takes a second to enjoy the beautiful day on the Farm.  Hoover Tower and the Main Quad lie in the background and make for great scenery.

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    Posted by Mr. Grant Cameron Delgado on Sep 27 2010 9:41PM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:
    New Student Orientation



    New Student Orientation began September 14 for all of the freshmen.  Freshmen moved into their dormrooms, eager to start off life on the Farm.

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    Posted by Mr. Grant Cameron Delgado on Sep 18 2010 10:45AM | 0 comments

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    Students play squash at Arrillaga Fitness Center

    Konica Auto S2, Kodak BW400CN, f/1.8

    The squash courts are usually quite packed at Arrillaga Fitness Center. I was lucky enough to get this shot on film. Rangefinders are great because there is no mirror black-out that you get on SLRs, but given I can't afford a digital rangefinder, I can only take the shot and hope it was a good one. I think this one turned out quite well.

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    Posted by Dr. Andy Yun-Cheng Lin on Aug 24 2010 12:03AM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:
    It's Been Quiet

    Empty benches in the Quad at night

    PENTAX K-7, smc PENTAX-FA 43mm F1.9 Limited, 1/5 sec @ f/1.9, ISO 1600

    It's been a little quiet since summer has started. Campus was mostly empty for a while, but now it's full of summer program kids. Reminds me of how old I've gotten...

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    Posted by Dr. Andy Yun-Cheng Lin on Jul 8 2010 6:16PM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:
    Graduation Dinner

    Students enjoying themselves at Graduation Dinner

    PENTAX K-7, smc PENTAX-FA 50mm F1.4

    I wasn't an undergrad at Stanford, and I'm not familiar at all with the yearly undergrad events, soI was surprised yesterday while riding back from lab to see a bunch of catering trucks around Memorial Church. SInce I was curious and had some time, I swung by and found the Quad filled with undergrads. I asked one of the caterers what the event was, and she replied in somewhat broken English that it was a graduation dinner. I'm not sure if that was her description or if it was the name of the event.

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    Posted by Dr. Andy Yun-Cheng Lin on Jun 12 2010 4:56PM | 3 comments

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    Spring finals are here...

    Fuel cell devices made in the labPENTAX K-7, smc PENTAX-FA 50mm F1.4, 1/500 sec @ f/2.0, ISO 400

    ...but no finals for me, and no shots yet of an empty campus, so here's a picture of fuel cell devices I made a few weekends ago. These are basic devices that I will be using as calibration samples. It's fairly simple to make: just a standard yttria-stabilized zirconia piece, as thin as a hair (and very fragile), with platinum metal deposited on both sides. One side (the side facing up) is patterned with a mask (upper left three objects) to create pads that allow electrical testing. You can see the colors created by various metal films on the sample holder in the upper right corner of the image.

    The platinum is 50 nanometers in thickness, or roughly 500 atoms. With our current process conditions, it takes 15 minutes to put down that layer.

    An image of t...

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    Posted by Dr. Andy Yun-Cheng Lin on Jun 4 2010 10:42PM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:
    One person's trash, a squirrel's meal

    Squirrel perched on the lip of a trash can

    PENTAX K-7, smc PENTAX-FA 35mm F2.0 AL, 1/60 sec f/2.0, ISO 320
    Squirrel perched on top of a bike seat
    PENTAX K-7, smc PENTAX-FA 43mm F1.9 Limited, 1/80 sec f/2.8, ISO 800

    As I was leaving the office yesterday, I found this squirrel perched on the lip of a garbage can, merrily chomping down on some leftover crackers someone had thrown away. I only had short primes on me, so these images are heavily cropped. It wasn't particularly alarmed by my presence, and seemed to enjoy perching itself on other similar pedestals. Wish I had a shot of it chomping away on the cracker; the mouth and hands are a blur when squirrels eat!<...

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    Posted by Dr. Andy Yun-Cheng Lin on May 23 2010 6:39PM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:
    Stan Shakes "The Tempest"

    Stanford Shakespeare Company opened their play "The Tempest" last night. They picked up very unusual spot for their screening: The fountain by the Terman Engineering. At least, I was very puzzled by the venue. Where will they set up the stages, where will the audience sit?

    As it turns out, they constructed a stage over the fountain, and used it as "the island" to go along with the story. It was a very innovative idea! Some shots from last nights performance: 
    The Island
    The island: doesn't the stage look great? 

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    Posted by Dr. Richa Richa on May 13 2010 1:04PM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:
    The Farm

    As Andy already posted, Stanford Goat Project organized the charity event  'Pet the Goats'. They had goats in the White Plaza! Oh well, for once it felt like "The Farm" in Stanford Campus. 
    Anyhoo, here are few picks from my camera of the same event. Hope you like them:

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    Posted by Dr. Richa Richa on May 13 2010 11:48AM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:
    Goats in White Plaza

    Goats in a pen in White Plaza

    PENTAX K-7, smc PENTAX-FA 50mm F1.4, 1/800 sec @ f/2.8, ISO 200

    I happened to ride past White Paza today to get some cash out of the ATM, when I noticed a small petting zoo on the lawn in-between Old Union and the Bookstore. Turns out the Village Enterprise Fund was fundraising by selling $5 tickets for the chance to mingle and play with the goats.

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    Posted by Dr. Andy Yun-Cheng Lin on May 11 2010 10:31PM | 2 comments

  • Average rating:
    Who turns the fountains on and off?

    The Claw and the new Old Union

    PENTAX K-7, smc PENTAX-FA 43mm F1.9 Limited, 1/80 sec @ f/8.0, ISO 200

    Notice the new Old Union in the background...

    (For the photographers out there that have been paying attention, yes, I absolutely love this lens.)

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    Posted by Dr. Andy Yun-Cheng Lin on May 8 2010 7:12PM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:

    One of my favorite place in Stanford is the Arizona Cactus garden. It looks different in every season. It's spring time so all the cacti are blooming at the moment:

    Cactus garden

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    Posted by Dr. Richa Richa on May 5 2010 12:00AM | 0 comments

  • Average rating:
    Nerdy Stanford

    Do I need to say more?

    Just FYI, I didn't write this, I spotted it. 

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    Posted by Dr. Richa Richa on May 3 2010 12:00AM | 0 comments

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    The balancing act

    The warm sunny days are back in Stanford and with them came a lot of outdoor activities. Like this guy trying to learn how to balance himself on a rope. 
    I think I kinda understand what must be going through his mind in this moment. I guess we all do. Aren't we all trying to do the same in our lives? Find balance. Trying our very best to keep on the rope.
    Balancing act

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    Posted by Dr. Richa Richa on Apr 30 2010 11:17PM | 0 comments

  • Showing 1 - 20 of 60