Stanford Introductory Studies (SIS)
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Stanford Introductory Studies (SIS) courses introduce students to the kinds of transformative questions that promote intellectual and personal development. With a focus on reading critically, writing effectively, and thinking analytically, SIS prepares undergraduates to achieve their academic goals. These courses include requirements in the Introduction to the Humanities (IHUM) and Writing and Rhetoric (PWR), or Structured Liberal Education (SLE), which incorporates both requirements, as well as Introductory Seminars.
Introductory Seminars
Introductory Seminars are small-group courses taught by faculty to freshmen and sophomores across a wide range of disciplines, providing opportunities for students to explore their interests and develop long-term mentoring relationships.
Introduction to the Humanities (IHUM)
IHUM offers specially designed courses dedicated to major ideas and themes in human identity and existence, combining a lecture format co-taught by faculty and small class discussions led by premier post doctoral fellows.
Program in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR)
PWR courses engage students in rhetorical and contextual analysis of texts and substantive research-based argument, developing the intellectual and stylistic elements of their writing and their ability to analyze the ideas and persuasive strategies of others and to apply those insights to their own writing.
Structured Liberal Education (SLE)
SLE is an intensive residentially-based program that simultaneously satisfies the Introduction to the Humanities requirement, the Writing and Rhetoric I and II requirements, and one General Education Breadth requirement in the humanities.
September Studies
Arts Intensive, Bing Honors College, and Sophomore College, are residential programs in which students return to campus three weeks prior to the beginning of Autumn Quarter to work with faculty on a focused area of study or artistic practice; daily class meetings and a range of added activities facilitate in-depth mentoring relationships.
Please visit the Intro Sems, IHUM, PWR, and September Studies websites for more information, including precise deadlines, preference submission, and petition processes.
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