Law and Economics Program
A. Mitchell Polinsky, Director
SIEPR’s new Program in Law and Economics began in 2009 under the direction of A. Mitchell Polinsky. The program’s initial efforts will be concentrated on the topics of antitrust policy, intellectual property policy, and the law and economics of high-technology industries, particularly software and on-line services industries. Startup funding for the program comes from a gift from the Microsoft Corporation. The activities of the program will include conferences, working papers, and on-line symposia and policy workshops geared toward the dissemination of the program’s research to the law, business, and policy making communities. This program will build upon and facilitate the ongoing research at Stanford being undertaken by scholars in the Department of Economics, Stanford Law School, the Graduate School of Business, Hoover Institution, and elsewhere.
SIEPR and the Stanford Law School work on research that sometimes results in a conference. Howrey and Microsoft funded a conference on antitrust and intellectual property in the US and Europe in April 2010. Click here for conference videos