SIEPR Centers

Academics at SIEPR conduct extensive research that is relevant to economic policy. Each program is managed by a director who reports to the SIEPR director. Program directors are responsible for organizing research that addresses immediate as well as long-term policy questions and creates a deeper understanding of particular economic policy issues.

At SIEPR, we believe that effective economic policy research requires interaction with policy-makers and researchers. Successful projects assemble researchers with different backgrounds, test theory against experience, and produce new and relevant insights.


Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

SCID’s mission is to foster scholarly research on issues pertaining to economic policy reform in developing economies and economies in transition. SCID has three programs—the India Program, the China Program, and the Latin America and Carribean Program.

Center on Employment and Economic Growth (CEEG)

Faculty at CEEG study the relationship between long-term economic growth and the economic success of individuals and families in their jobs and careers. CEEG has one program on Regulatory Policy.

Center for Public and Private Finance (CPPF)

CPPF faculty look broadly at numerous macroeconomic and finance-oriented issues. CPPF has four programs—the Finance Program, the Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy program, the Tax and Budget Policy Program and the California Policy Program.

Stanford Environmental and Energy Policy Analysis Center (SEEPAC)

SIEPR and the Precourt Institute for Energy have launched a new center that will foster research on public policies that address pressing environmental and energy issues.