Knowledge Networks and Institutions for Innovation Program

Paul A. David, Director

The Knowledge Networks and Institutions for Innovation Program, led by Paul David, professor emeritus of economics, focuses research on public and private policy issues concerned with institutional and technological conditions affecting the production and distribution of scientific and technological knowledge. These include collaboratory software systems, peer-to-peer digital network organizations, and informal “virtual communities”—including those developing free and open source software, the effects of intellectual property law and digital rights management systems upon access to scientific and technical data and information.The design and evaluation of initiatives that use contract law and licensing agreements to create “scientific research commons” represents an emerging area of investigation, which is related to David's involvement in the work of Science Commons, a project of Creative Commons, and the Global Information Commons for Science Initiative, an international initiative launched at the World Summit of the Informational Society in Tunis, in 2005.

Welcome to KNIIP

The program’s Economic Organization and Viability of Open Source Software Project is funded by a grant to SIEPR from the National Science Foundation.


May 6th -- Signals From a Very Brief But Emblematic Catastrophe on Wall Street
Paul David, July 2010
Will e-Science Be Open Science?
Paul DavidMatthijs den BestenRalph Schroeder , December 2008
Community-Based Production of Open Source Software: What do we know about the developers who participate?
Paul DavidJoseph Shapiro, September 2008
Mapping e-Science’s Path in the Collaboration Space: Ontological Approach to Monitoring Infrastructure Development
Paul DavidMatthijs den Besten, June 2008
"Only Connect": Academic-Business Research Collaborations and the Formation of Ecologies of Innovation
Paul DavidJ. Stanley Metcalfe, January 2008