Support SIEPR
- Is my contribution tax deductible?
Yes. SIEPR is part of Stanford University (Tax ID #: 94-1156365)a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
- Can I pay off a pledge over several years?
Yes. A pledge is a formal statement of intention to make a gift, and SIEPR accepts multi-year pledges. We can arrange to remind you or your financial advisor at the time of year that is convenient for you.
- What does my gift support?
Your gift supports economic policy research. We will match your interests with the research and programs at SIEPR. We also encourage unrestricted gifts to the general fund, which provides SIEPR with both long term stability and the flexibility to fund important emerging projects.
- Can I donate stock?
Yes. A gift of long-term appreciated marketable securities can provide you with tax advantages as well as providing SIEPR with a charitable gift. A gift of stock (Securities Transfer Form) is easily accomplished through an electronic transfer. SIEPR staff can advise you or your broker of the specific information needed to facilitate such a gift.
- How can I make a lasting gift to SIEPR?
You can name SIEPR as a beneficiary of planned gifts such as bequests, retirement funds, insurance policies, and life income gifts, such as charitable remainder trusts and charitable remainder annuity trusts. Some planned gifts allow donors to enjoy tax and income benefits during their lifetimes while making a significant commitment to SIEPR.
- How can a corporation get involved?
Corporations can be involved with SIEPR as corporate members, conference and fellowship sponsors, and through in-kind donations.
- Does my gift to SIEPR count toward reunion pledges or the Stanford Challenge?
Yes, you gifts counts towards reunion pledge and the Stanford Challenge.
- Does SIEPR have special gift opportunity needs?
Additional opportunities exist beyond the mentioned levels of membership. They include:
- Supporting SIEPR Postdocs
- Endowing a named Senior Fellow at SIEPR
- Sponsoring a distinguished fellow or visiting scholar
- Endowing a named Fellowship for Graduate Students at SIEPR
- Establishing a named Conference Fund
- Endowing a named Research Center or Program
- Funding a Dissertation Fellow
- Funding a SIEPR Center
- Sponsoring specific research projects that parallel the donor’s giving priorities
- Supporting the Director’s Discretionary Fund