Bibliographic information
- Beginning date
- 1857
- Title Variation
- New York times archive
- ProQuest historical newspapers. New York times (1851-2007)
- New York Times historical archive
- Historical New York times
- PQ hist. news. NYTimes
- PQ Hist. News. NY Times
- New York times
- New York daily times
- ProQuest New York Times historical archive
- N. Y. times
- Vol/date range
- Sept. 14 (1857)-
- Note
- Publication suspended Dec. 12-28, 1958; Dec. 20, 1962-Mar. 1963; Sept. 17-Oct. 10, 1965; and Aug. 10-Nov. 5, 1978.
- File/Data Type
- Newspaper article citations and abstracts in HTML format; full text articles in PDF format.
- Note
- Also available in print and microfilm.
- Format
- Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Note
- Also available on microfilm in Green Library Media-Microtext.
- Related Work
- New-York daily times.
- Related Work
- New York Times Historical.
- ProQuest historical newspapers.
- Location
- United States New York New York.