var NREUMQ=NREUMQ||[];NREUMQ.push(["mark","firstbyte",new Date().getTime()]);    About The Stanford University Libraries | Stanford University Libraries                        Skip to main content Skip to navigation       Secondary menuMy Account Login          Home AboutHours & locationsPeople Contacts News Blogs Projects & innovations   LibrariesArchive of Recorded SoundArt & Architecture Biology (Falconer) Business Chemistry & ChemEng (Swain) Classics Earth Sciences (Branner) East Asia Education (Cubberley) Engineering (Terman) Green Hoover Hoover Archives  Law (Crown)Marine Biology (Miller) Math & Statistics Medical (Lane) Meyer Music Philosophy (Tanner) SAL1&2 SAL3 SAL Newark SLAC Special Collections   Using the libraryAccess & privilegesBorrow, renew, return Connect from off campus Interlibrary borrowing Places to study Print, copy, scan Access for persons with limited mobility   GuidesCourse guidesTopic guides   Research supportResearch servicesSubject Librarians Academic Technology Specialists  Search toolsSearchWorks Databases eJournals   Ask us        Search          You are hereHome › About  About The Stanford University Libraries          The Stanford University Libraries (SUL) is more than a cluster of libraries; it connects people with information by providing diverse resources and services to the academic community.

 SUL includes more than 20 individual libraries across campus, each with a world-class collection of books, journals, films, maps, databases, and more. Subject Librarians are available for individual consultation, group classes, and special workshops.

        SUL develops and maintains a broad array of information resources, including SearchWorks, article and indexing databases, e-journal subscriptions, and specialized collections crossing subjects, formats, and genres. SUL also provides computing resources, including public computers, digital scanning and editing equipment, support for multi-media projects, geospatial software support, and social science data and software services and support.

                                                                                   Hours & locations  Hours, maps, and contact information for all Stanford Libraries.

      People  Meet our leaders and our Subject Librarians.

      Contacts  Find the right contact for everything from copier problems to preservation.

      Tours  Tours are offered year-round, with special orientation tours each academic year.

         News  Follow current library news, including staff news.

      Projects & innovations  SUL is active in many initiatives, projects, and partnerships. Explore them here.

      Blogs  Librarians and staff post what's new and important in their subject areas and libraries.

         Enterprises HighWire Press Stanford University Press LOCKSS Giving to SUL Supporting the Stanford Libraries Make a gift now Working at SUL Human Resources Employment opportunities Copyright Copyright reminder                       AboutHours & locations People Contacts News Projects & innovations Blogs Jobs Supporting the Libraries Copyright reminder  Using the LibraryAccess & privileges Borrow, renew, return Interlibrary borrowing Connect from off campus Places to study Print, copy, scan Access for persons with limited mobility  LibrariesCollections  Guidesby Course by Topic  Research SupportSubject Librarians Academic Technology Specialists SearchWorks Databases Socrates eJournals  ASK US(650) 725-1064 Chat Email us Give us feedback               Stanford University Home Maps & Directions Search Stanford Terms of Use Copyright Complaints© Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305. (650) 723-2300          if(!NREUMQ.f){NREUMQ.f=function(){NREUMQ.push(["load",new Date().getTime()]);var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="";document.body.appendChild(e);if(NREUMQ.a)NREUMQ.a();};NREUMQ.a=window.onload;window.onload=NREUMQ.f;};NREUMQ.push(["nrf2","","ff6e4b123c",358267,"ZwEEYEQHWkJYBkdfDl5LJ1dCD1tfFhVSUQRvCQdaVwFRQ2YLXFIEbxIPUUE5RFBeAA==",0,1749,new Date().getTime()]);