SLAC’s Phil Bucksbaum elected VP of Optical Society
Thursday, October 20th, 2011PHILIP H. BUCKSBAUM, director of the PULSE Institute for Ultrafast Energy Science, has been elected vice president of The Optical Society, putting him on a track to serve as president of the organization in 2014.
Bucksbaum has been active in the OSA for more than 20 years, serving on the board of directors and taking leadership roles on conference committees and at technical meetings.
He was a researcher at Bell Laboratories and the University of Michigan before moving to SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University in 2006. In 2009 he became the Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in Natural Science at Stanford. He holds joint appointments in the Physics Department, the Applied Physics Department, and the SLAC Photon Sciences Department, and served as department chair of Photon Science from 2007-2010. In addition to directing the PULSE Institute, a Stanford independent laboratory located on the SLAC campus, he also directs SLAC’s Chemical Science Research Division.
Bucksbaum has more than 200 scientific publications. He has contributed to several areas of atomic physics and ultrafast science, including strong-field laser-atom interactions, Rydberg wave packets, ultrafast quantum control, and ultrafast X-ray physics.
“Phil is joining the OSA leadership at a time where basic science funding is at risk. He understands the challenges that OSA members and customers face in their professional careers and is committed to providing relevant services through the work of the Society,” said Elizabeth Rogan, CEO of the organization, in a statement announcing the election results. “OSA has been fortunate to benefit from almost 100 years of talented leadership. Phil’s reputation for high quality, excellence and responsiveness will continue this legacy well into the future.“