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Stanford-in-Berlin celebrates 1,000 Krupp Internship placements

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Five alumni of the Krupp Internship Program for Stanford Students in Germany returned to that country recently to represent hundreds of students who have participated in internships there since the program’s inception 29 years ago.

The five alumni, who were chosen to reflect the program’s long history, celebrated this milestone event with the man who made it possible, BERTHOLD BEITZ, chair of the board of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. Beitz is credited with initiating the program in 1982 and endorsing its continued support ever since.

According to Karen Kramer, director of Stanford-in-Berlin, the five Stanford/Krupp alumni, chosen numerically to represent a “random” sample of the 1,000 alumni of the program, were flown to Germany for the event.

“They had an audience with Professor Beitz and addressed the assembled, describing the formative impact their Krupp internships had had on their personal and professional lives,” Kramer wrote in an email.

The returnees and their internship sites were:

  • From left, Krupp internship participants Tracy Vo, Whitney Martin and Molly Bauer with Berthold Beitz

    LESLIE TEICHOLZ (BA ’89, comparative literature) Deutsche Oper, West Berlin

  • CHRIS FIELD, (BA ’95, electrical engineering; BA history) Thesys Mikroelektronik in Erfurt
  • JOHANN GAGNON-BARTSCH (BA ’03, math, physics and international relations) Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroton DESY, Hamburg
  • TRACY VO (BS ’06, management science & engineering) Zukunftsagentur Brandenburg GmbH (ZAB), Potsdam
  • WHITNEY MARTIN (BA ’09, sociology) Deutsche Bahn AG, Frankfurt a.M./Hamburg


The returning Krupp alumni were joined by 31 of this year’s Krupp interns, including MOLLY BAUER, who holds the distinction of being the program’s 1,000th placement. A junior history major, Bauer will work this summer at the Museum Folkwang in Essen, Germany, the city where the celebration was held.

Also in attendance at the celebration were ROBERT SINCLAIR, the Burke Family Director of the Bing Overseas Studies Program, and REGINA CASPER, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, emerita, who currently is faculty-in-residence at Stanford-in-Berlin.

The Krupp Internship Program for Stanford Students in Germany is open to all students of the Bing Overseas Studies Program in Berlin who have completed one year of college German. Up to 50 internships ranging from three to six months are available each year. Program Coordinator WOLF-DIETRICH JUNGHANNS works closely with each prospective intern to find a host institution and project area that corresponds with the student’s skills and professional interests.

For examples of the types of internships students have participated in, visit the Krupp Internship profiles page on the Bing Overseas Studies website.

©Fotos: Peter Wieler for Krupp-Stiftung