Orthopaedic Surgery

Department: Orthopaedic Surgery




  • Academic Appointments Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    Research Interest

    Dr. Carragee's research interests lie in outcomes assessment of surgical and rehabilitative treatment for cervical and lumbar intervertebral disk herniation; diagnosis and treatment of spine infections, instrumentation of the degenerative spine and spinal deformities and low back pain syndromes, pain and pain management.

  • Academic Appointments Professor - Med Center Line,  Surgery - Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
    Member,  Bio-X
    Professor - Med Center Line (By courtesy),  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
    • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
    • Pediatric Hand Problems
    Research Interest

    My role in research is to apply novel advances in tissue engineering and microsurgery to the clinical problems of hand trauma, peripheral nerve injuries, and congenital hand problems. I am interested in developing new tissues and techniques that will allow optimal reconstruction of form and function to those patients requiring reconstructive surgery.

  • Academic Appointments Assistant Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Spine Surgery
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    Research Interest

    Dr. Cheng's research interests lie in the biologic enhancement of spinal fusions, molecular techniques of intervertebral disc regeneration, and techniques of spinal instrumentation. For more information, please go to https://www.ivanchengmd.com.

  • Academic Appointments Assistant Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    Research Interest

    Clinical outcomes following complex reconstruction of the shoulder and elbow, Bone mineral density in the shoulder, 3D kinematics of the shoulder girdle after arthroplasty

  • Academic Appointments Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    • Foot/Ankle Trauma
    Research Interest

    I am a Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon, subspecializing in Disorders of the Foot and Ankle. My clinic offers diagnosis and treatment of pain, deformity, and acute injuries of the foot and ankle. My research interests include: rupture and tendinitis of the Achilles tendon, osteochondral defects of the talus, Total Ankle Arthroplasty, arthrodesis (fusion) of the foot and ankle, pain following operations of the foot and ankle, open fractures treated with operations, anatomy of the foot and

  • Academic Appointments Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    • Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy
    • ACL, Cartilage and Meniscus Repair
  • Academic Appointments Assistant Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Orthoped Surg/Sports Med
    Research Interest

    Dr. Costouros specializes in the arthroscopic and open treatment of shoulder and elbow disorders derived from sports injuries, arthritis, fractures, compressive neuropathies, and failed prior surgeries. He has made significant award-winning research discoveries in the molecular etiology and treatment of arthritis and cartilage injuries. He has special expertise in the reverse total shoulder replacement, management of massive and irreparable rotator cuff tears, revision surgery, tendon tra..

  • Academic Appointments Assistant Professor - Med Center Line,  Surgery - Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
    Assistant Professor - Med Center Line (By courtesy),  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Plastic Surgery
    • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
    • Hand
    Research Interest

    Maintaining and optimizing upper limb function in people with spinal cord injury. Improving pain and general well being after severe hand injuries. Neuroma care in the surgical patient


  • Academic Appointments Professor,  Bioengineering
    Professor,  Mechanical Engineering
    Member,  Bio-X
    Professor (By courtesy),  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Research Interest

    Experimental and computational approaches to study human movement. Development of biomechanical models to analyze muscle function, study movement abnormalities, design new medical products, and guide surgery. Testing of new computational models of human movement with medical image data and experimental measurements.

  • Academic Appointments Clinical Instructor,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Academic Appointments Associate Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Member,  Bio-X
    Clinical Focus
    • Sports Medicine
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    Research Interest

    Previous research in this laboratory has focused on the development of viable tissue engineered structures of the knee including articular (hyaline) and meniscal (fibrocartilage) cartilage, as well as bone. These tissues are engineered from adult stem cells extracted from fat tissue and bone marrow, as well as, biologic matrices and growth factors. The goal of this research will be curing the patient’s arthritis by re-establishing articular cartilage using their own stem cells.


  • Academic Appointments Clinical Professor,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Sports Medicine
    • Rotator Cuff Repair
    • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair
    Research Interest

    Dr. Gary Fanton is the Chief of the Section of Sports Medicine at Stanford’s Department of Orthopedic Surgery. His practice primarily involves the diagnostic evaluation and treatment of sports and trauma-related injuries of the upper extremity, knee, and ankle. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery and is currently the Team Physician in Orthopedics for the San Francisco 49ers. Dr. Fanton's past experience includes positions as team orthopedist for the San Francisco ..

  • Academic Appointments Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Physical Medicine and Rehab
    • Sports Medicine
    • Electrodiagnostic Medicine
    Research Interest

    My research focuses on the etiology, prevention, and treatment of sports injuries in athletes including: patellofemoral pain, iliotibial band syndrome, stress fractures, and core strengthening.

  • Academic Appointments Professor - Med Center Line,  Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
    Member,  Bio-X
    Professor - Med Center Line (By courtesy),  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Cardiology (Heart)
    • Cardiovascular Medicine
    Research Interest

    Screening of athletes for sudden cardiac death, Computerized ECG and clinical data management; exercise Physiology including expired gas analysis; the effect of chronic and acute exercise on the heart; digital recording of biological signals; diagnostic use of exercise testing; development of Expert Medical System software and educational tools.






  • Academic Appointments Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Member,  Bio-X
    Professor - Med Center Line (By courtesy),  Medicine - Immunology & Rheumatology
    Clinical Focus
    • Hand Surgery
    • Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    Research Interest

    Research Interests 1. The kinematics and forces associated with thumb carpometcarpal (CMC) function and pathology 2. The anatomy, microstructure, and immunofluorescent characteristics of the thumb CMC joint 3. Pathomechaniics of CMC arthritis: biomechanical wear, injury, genetic, and environmental causes 4. Archiving, vitalizing, and innovating medical and surgical knowledge, most recently with innovative iBook monographs

  • Academic Appointments Clinical Professor,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    • Osteomyelitis
    • Nonunions and Malunions
    Research Interest

    Dr. Lowenberg is the Chief of the Orthopaedic Trauma Service at Stanford. He is a Past President of the Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Society of North America. His clinical and research interests are in the treatment of nonunions and malunions with or without accompanying osteomyelitis and infection. He is well-published in the field of limb salvage and treatment of devastating limb injuries. He has ongoing research in limb transplantation via immunotolerance as well as biomechanics.


  • Academic Appointments Professor,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    • Primary Total Hip and Knee Replacement
    • Revision Total Hip and Knee Replacement
    Research Interest

    Dr. Maloney is nationally and internationally recognized for his contributions to the improved understanding of the causes of failure of surgical joint replacement. For example, he established a critical link between polyethylene wear debris and bony erosion, with resulting significant changes in the materials and design strategies of joint replacement surgery. More recently, he has shown that wear debris particles are coated in vivo with human proteins, such as albumin; this observation has ..

  • Academic Appointments Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Sports Medicine
    Research Interest

    Sports injuries; rehabilitation; stress fractures; overuse injuries; exercise and health; human performance; pre-participation evaluation.

  • Academic Appointments Associate Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Sports Medicine
    • Sports Injuries
    • knee surgery
    Research Interest

    Current studies include evaluation of the throwing athlete's shoulder, reconstruction techniques for elbow MCL injury, articular cartilage defects in the athlete's knee, scaphoid fracture mechanics, arthroscopic triangular fibrocartilage repair, Deltoid flap for massive rotator cuff tears, Elbow arthroscopy and lateral ulnar collateral ligament complex; soft tissue to bone fixation.

  • Academic Appointments Clinical Assistant Professor,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    • Complex primary hip and knee replacements
    • Minimally invasive hip and knee replacements
    Research Interest

    My current research interests include operative and non-operative treatment of arthritis, minimally invasive techniques for hip and knee replacement, clinical outcomes of joint replacement surgery, and the design of hip and knee implants and instrumentation.

  • Academic Appointments Clinical Professor,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    • Sarcomas
    Research Interest

    Dr. Mohler is involved in gene expression in sarcomas, and innovative anatomy-preserving surgical management of low grade chondrosarcomas.

  • Academic Appointments Clinical Instructor,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Orthopaedic Surgery




  • Academic Appointments Professor (Teaching),  Pathology
    Professor (Teaching) (By courtesy),  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Anatomic/Clinical Pathology
    • Pathology
    Research Interest

    Autopsy pathology. Medical informatics in pathology: structured reports; diagnostic coding. Orthopedic pathology: implanted prosthetic materials. Medical education: case-based learning in pathology; the use of glass slides, images and specimens in pathology; faculty development (teaching improvement) in the basic medical sciences.

  • Academic Appointments Professor (Clinical),  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Orthopaedics, Pediatric
    • spinal deformity correcton
    • developmental hip dysplasia
    Research Interest

    The primary subjects of my research interests over the past ten years have been clinical reviews of series of patients with a variety of pediatric orthopaedic treatable conditions. These have included neuromuscular scoliosis, developmental dislocation of the hip, and deformities in cerebral palsy.

  • Academic Appointments Clinical Assistant Professor,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Clinical Focus
    • Physical Medicine and Rehab
    • Musculoskeletal Diseases
    • Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Medicine
    Research Interest

    Clinical applications of musculoskeletal ultrasound

  • Academic Appointments Associate Professor - Med Center Line,  Orthopaedic Surgery
    Member,  Child Health Research Institute
    Member,  Bio-X
    Research Interest

    Dr. Rose is Director of the Motion & Gait Analysis Lab, her research focuses on the neuromuscular mechanisms underlying gait deficits in cerebral palsy (CP), including muscle pathology, motor control, postural balance,and neuromuscular activation. Recent research examines neonatal brain development on MRI & gait deficits in preterm children. Dr. Rose serves on the Research Committee of the AACPDM and leads the NIH Research Network on Artificial Walking FES-assisted Gait for Children with CP.


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