Conservation Q&A
This page will be used to answer your questions about Energy Conservation. Please email the campus energy manager and we will do our best to post your question and the answer within one week.
Q: Does leaving a light on use less energy then turning it off and on several times? Does it make a difference what type of light it is (incandescent, compact fluorescent)?
A: Leaving an incandescent light on actually uses more energy than turning it on and off as needed. When fluorescents were in their early stages of development and energy costs were low, there was some reason to avoid switching lights too often. However, for most compact fluorescent lights and today’s higher electricity costs, it’s cheapest to switch off lights even if you’re leaving a room for only a couple minutes. For more information, please review a discussion about light switching economics.
Q: Does leaving a computer on use less energy than turning it on and off?
A: Turning a computer off when you are not using it saves energy and is also better for the machine. Don't worry about wear on the computer from turning it on and off repeatedly. This was once a problem in the early days of personal computers, but now your computer undergoes more wear from running constantly than from being turned off when not in use. Turning computers off when they're not being used lowers the amount of dust buildup inside, which helps them last longer while saving you money. See another response to this question.