Water Sustainability, Efficiency and Conservation

Important Numbers

24-hour Maintenance: 723-2281
Water Hotline: 725-8030

In order to stay compliant with Stanford’s General Use Permit (GUP) under Santa Clara County, the university has developed ways to keep water demand below the current San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) allocation of 3.033 million gallons per day. A program summary, campus groups, specific water efficiency projects, and current initiatives are summarized below.

New Water Conservation Map!

Click on the map below to view the water efficiency projects completed across the Stanford campus.

Facilities, Academic, and Research Buildings

Most of the toilets, faucets, showers and even urinals in academic buildings across campus have been retrofitted to more efficient, low-flow models. Landscaping in academic areas make use of evapo-transpiration (ET) irrigation controllers. In addition, the Medical School has seen some of the most dramatic decreases in water use thanks to recent water conservation efforts. For an example of a recent Medial School project see the Fact Sheet. The Beckman and Fairchild Buildings in particular are now using 30 to 40 percent less water than before, saving almost 15 million gallons of water annually! [Read More]

Student Housing and Dining (Residential & Dining Enterprises)

Student Housing and Dining Services have undertaken many initiatives to encourage water conservation. Initiatives include the installation of low-flow showerheads, front loading (high-efficiency) clothes washers, and pre-rinse spray nozzles. For more information about water conservation efforts in student housing and ways in which you can help save water in your residence, visit the Student Housing Services Conservation Web Page. [Read More]


Improvements to athletic facilities include high-efficiency toilet and urinal retrofits. Some of the latest in low-flow fixture technology is currently being tested within the athletic facilities which consist of urinals that only use 0.125 gallon of water per flush (gpf), and toilets that only use 1.28 gpf. Three soil moisture probes were installed at the Siebel Golf Training Complex in 2009 to help save water by using soil moisture and root zone data to target the right amount of irrigation for healthy grass. Click on the Fact Sheet to learn more about this project.

Faculty and Staff Campus Residents

Stanford Utilities has taken part in various water conservation programs for Faculty/Staff housing. Currently, there are rebates being offered for high-efficiency fixtures, landscape retrofits, and free Water Wise House Calls by the Santa Clara Valley Water District and Pacific Gas & Electric. For more information, and to see if you qualify for these rebates, please see the rebate information. [Read More]

Other Water Conservation Accomplishments and Looking to the Future

We developed a Water-Efficient (WE) technology demonstration program, and WE Goals & Benchmarks for new buildings. In 2008, ongoing outreach for single-family, on-campus homes included checking for irrigation runoff, providing door hangers notifying homeowners what they can do to avoid it, and promoting local utility district high-efficiency toilets and clothes washing machines. Outreach has also included providing monthly flyers that discuss water saving ideas and tips. [Read More]

Campus Water Features

There are 27 water features currently on Stanford University’s campus, please visit the links below for more information.