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Externship Companion Seminar


The practice of public interest law - whether in the criminal or civil context or a government or non-profit setting - requires an attorney to consider a host of issues distinct from one in private practice. How should decisions be made about priorities with limited resources? Where an organization has a broad social justice mission, where does litigation on behalf of individual clients or a group of clients fit in? Prior to initiating litigation or advancing a defense, what quantum of evidence should an attorney require? What role, if any, should an attorney's personal beliefs play in a course of representation? Through directed supervision of their externships in prosecutors', public defenders' or civil non-profit and government offices, as well as participation in weekly seminars, students will evaluate such questions in the context of their practical experience. Students are required to write weekly reflection papers of 3 to 5 pages and a 15 page paper at the end of the course.

Grading Elements used: Attendance, class participation, weekly reflection papers and final reflection paper of no less than 15 pages.

  • Number of Units: 2
  • Course Number: 472

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