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Law@Stanford is a monthly e-newsletter for alumni and friends of the Law School. Each issue highlights the latest School news as well as upcoming Law School events taking place on the Stanford campus and around the country.

To subscribe to the newsletter, send an e-mail message containing your name, your class year, your current mailing address, and preferred e-mail address to alumni.relations@, with SUBSCRIBE TO LAW@STANFORD in the subject line.

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Bi-Annual Publications

Stanford Lawyer

Founded in 1966 in an effort to inform Stanford Law alumni about faculty scholarship and School and alumni news, Stanford Lawyer has developed over the past thirty-plus years into a highly respected and anticipated professional school magazine.

With a circulation of more than 15,000, Stanford Lawyer offers its readers articles featuring nationally and internationally known alumni, as well as stories about alumni who are making a real difference behind the scenes; faculty opinion about the most pressing legal issues of the day; the latest news of the School; and—of particular interest to alumni—reams of class notes.

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Law @ Stanford


SLS to Build New Law Degree Program with American Univ. of Afghanistan in Kabul

Stanford Law School’s innovative program—the Afghanistan Legal Education Project (ALEP)—has been awarded a $7.2 million dollar U.S. State Department grant through the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL/State).

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 Stanford Lawyer

Cover Story Stanford Lawyer

The New JD
By Joan O'C. Hamilton (BA '83)