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Program Publications

2009 Update

The Newsletter of the Stanford Center on the Legal Profession

The Criminal Record

The Newsletter of the Stanford Criminal Justice Center

LST @ Stanford

The Newsletter of the Stanford Program of Law, Science, and Technology

Create Change

Create Change, the electronic newsletter of Stanford Law School's John and Terry Levin Center for Public Service and Public Interest Law, was launched in 2004 in an effort to develop a virtual public interest community at Stanford and to provide news about the people and programs at SLS that are creating change.

The newsletter is published by the John and Terry Levin Center for Public Service and Public Interest Law staff and is always available online.

News from Gould

News from Gould is an annual e-newsletter for friends of the Martin Daniel Gould Center for Conflict Resolution.

To subscribe to the newsletter, send an e-mail message containing your name and preferred e-mail address to [email protected], with SUBSCRIBE TO NEWS FROM GOULD in the subject line.

The Environmental and Natural Resources Law & Policy Program Newsletter

Back issues of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law & Policy Program newsletter are available for viewing in portable document format.


The Center for Internet and Society’s Packets newsletter is a bi-monthly publication written by Stanford Law School students who are members of the Stanford Law And Technology Association (SLATA). CIS staff, fellows and volunteer attorneys edit Packets. Our purpose is to provide the legal community with concise descriptions of recently decided cyberlaw- related cases, and to point to the original decisions. We will distribute short summaries of the cases in the electronic version and host longer, more detailed summaries, as well as a keyword searchable archive of past Packets on the CIS website. The publication is distributed over the CIS mailing list.