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Research Projects

The following projects were developed by the Robert Crown Law Library in collaboration with Stanford Law School faculty, staff, and students, and span a wide range of subject matter.

Diary of a Contraband: The Civil War Passage of a Black Sailor

This site is intended to complement Professor William B. Gould IV's book about his great-grandfather, Diary of a Contraband: The Civil War Passage of a Black Sailor. Here the reader may view the diary itself and see aspects of it that cannot be replicated in a typescript or book. The reader may also view a photo gallery of images related to the diary, William B. Gould, and his family.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Database

This site presents primary materials on the U.S. military's policy on sexual orientation from 1918 to the present.

Election 2000

This award-winning site makes available a collection of more than 600 documents from various court cases in the 2000 presidential election dispute. The site has garnered national press attention and is being used as a resource for a variety of law school and other courses throughout the country.

Global Class Actions Exchange

The Global Class Actions Exchange is an outgrowth of an international conference on the worldwide spread of class actions, group proceedings and other forms of collective litigation. The site is maintained by the Robert Crown Law Library, it includes country reports, statutes, rules and important cases related to class actions and group litigation; along with commentary on global developments in the field.

Lawyers of Latin America

This site features Professor Pérez Perdomo's book, Lawyers of Latin America: A Historical Introduction (Stanford University Press, forthcoming), as well as theses and research papers submitted by Stanford Law School students.

Library Publications

Legal Research Paper Series

Stanford Securities Class Action Clearinghouse

The brain child of Professor Joseph Grundfest and funded by NCAIR and Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., this site has been called the "mecca for the securities lawyer." This is the nation's first Designated Internet Site for required electronic posting of court documents.

University Women

A project of the Provost's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women Faculty at Stanford University. Maintained by the Robert Crown Law Library at Stanford Law School, this site includes policies, reports, and resources relating to the work/life of women faculty.

Women in the Legal Profession

A project of the Keck Center on Legal Ethics and the Legal Profession at Stanford Law School. Maintained by the Robert Crown Law Library, this site includes publications, research, references, projects, model policies, and related information concerning women in the legal profession.

Women's Legal History

This site features biographical chapters and archival information on hundreds of pioneering women lawyers in the United States. It was developed by the Robert Crown Law Library at Stanford Law School in collaboration with Professor Barbara Allen Babcock, Instructor Erika Wayne, and the students in their Women in the Legal Profession course.