S. Christian Wheeler

Professor of Marketing

Phone: (650) 724-7509

Email: [email protected]

Personal Homepage: https://faculty-gsb.stanford.edu/wheeler/index.html


Academic Areas: Marketing

Christian Wheeler’s research focuses on how consumers form evaluations and make decisions. This research comprises two interrelated streams. The first stream includes an examination of the various processes involved in attitude formation, maintenance, and change. In particular, his recent work has examined how individuals’ self-beliefs can alter the degree and means by which they are influenced by persuasive messages. The second stream includes an examination of nonconscious processes affecting behavior and judgment. This research suggests that individuals may be affected by subtle situational influences without their awareness or intention.


Christian Wheeler is Professor of Marketing at Stanford University where he teaches courses on Marketing Management, Attitudes and Persuasion, and Research Methodology. He received his BA from the University of Northern Iowa before moving to Ohio State, where he completed his MA and PhD. His research has been published in top marketing, organizational behavior, and psychology journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personality and Social Psychology Review, and Psychological Bulletin. The Marketing Science Institute identified him as one of the young scholars most likely to influence marketing theory and practice.

Academic Degrees

PhD, Ohio State University, 2001; M.A., Ohio State University, 1997; B.A., University of Northern Iowa, 1995.

Professional Experience

At Stanford since 2001.

Selected Publications

  • Rios, K. R., Wheeler, S. C., & Miller, D. T. (in press). Compensatory Nonconformity: Self-Uncertainty and Low Implicit Self-Esteem Increase Adoption and Expression of Minority Opinions: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2013
  • Sela, A., Wheeler, S. C., and Sarial-Abi, G. (in press). “We” are not the same as “you and I”: Causal effects of minor language variations on consumers’ brand perceptions: Journal of Consumer Research, 2012
  • Wheeler, S. C. Effects of mere exposure on brand liking: Consumer Insights: Findings from Behavioral Research: Marketing Science Institute, 2011
  • Morrison, K. R., Johnson, C. S., & Wheeler, S. C. Not All Selves Feel the Same Uncertainty: Motivated Assimilation to Primes among Individualists and Collectivists: Social Psychological and Personality Science, (3)1, 118-126, 2012
  • Demarree, K. G., Morrison, K. R., Wheeler, S. C., & Petty, R. E. Self-ambivalence and resistance to subtle self-change attempts.: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 674-686, 2011

Working Papers

  • 1926: Can Where People Vote Influence How They Vote? The Influence of Polling Location Type on Voting Behavior

Selected Cases

  • E272: LightFull Foods
  • M312: PacifiCare's African American Health Solutions (AAHS)

Courses Taught


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