Timothy Bresnahan
Professor of Economics (by courtesy)
Landau Professor in Technology and the Economy, School of Humanities and Sciences
Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
Phone: (650) 723-9471
Email: [email protected]
Academic Areas: Economics
Industrial organization economics, specifically the econometric measurement of market power and testing of models of imperfect competition and of entry; economics of technology.
Academic Degrees
BA, Haverford College, 1975; PhD, Princeton Univ., 1980. At Stanford since 1979.
Selected Publications
- Empirical Methods for Industries with Market Power: ed. R. Schmalensee and R. Willig, North Holland, 1990
- Journal of Industrial Economics, 1987
- American Economic Review, 1986
Working Papers
- Assoc. Editor: Journal of Industrial Economics, Quarterly Journal of Economics, RAND Journal of Economics
- Fellow: American Academy of Arts and Sciences
In The Media
- Windows on the World , Boston Globe
- Is Techno Savvy Overrated?, Business Week
- If Microsoft Loses Case, Remedies Are Thorny, New York Times
- Calling in Experts to Fix Microsoft if It's Broken, New York Times
- Academic Warrior, San Jose Mercury News
- Computers and Wages, The Economist
- 3 Academics Strut Stuff in Washington, San Jose Mercury
- Microsoft Is Wrong; It's That Simple, Los Angeles Times
- Innovation Will Lift Economy — Be Patient, San Jose Mercury News
- News Analysis: Judging a Moving Target, New York Times
- What Would You Do?, San Jose Mercury News
- Why the Microsoft Settlement Won't Work, IEEE Spectrum