Timothy Bresnahan

Professor of Economics (by courtesy)
Landau Professor in Technology and the Economy, School of Humanities and Sciences

Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research

Phone: (650) 723-9471

Email: [email protected]

Academic Areas: Economics


Industrial organization economics, specifically the econometric measurement of market power and testing of models of imperfect competition and of entry; economics of technology.

Academic Degrees

BA, Haverford College, 1975; PhD, Princeton Univ., 1980. At Stanford since 1979.

Selected Publications

  • Empirical Methods for Industries with Market Power: ed. R. Schmalensee and R. Willig, North Holland, 1990
  • Journal of Industrial Economics, 1987
  • American Economic Review, 1986

Working Papers

  • 1061: Entry and Competition in Concentrated Markets
  • 1318: Large-Firms' Demand for Computer Products and Services: Competing Market Models, Inertia, and Enabling Strategic Change
  • 883: Entry in Monopoly Markets


In The Media