Sridhar Narayanan
Associate Professor of Marketing
on leave Autumn Qtr 2011
Phone: (650) 723-9675
Email: [email protected]
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Academic Areas: Marketing
Sridhar Narayanan’s research focuses on empirical analysis of marketing problems, through the estimation of econometric models on behavioral data. One stream of his work has focused on consumer and firm decisions in situations of consumer uncertainty about new products. Specifically, his research has explored physician learning about new prescription drugs, the changes in the role and effectiveness of marketing communication for products over their life cycle, and the value of information to consumers in telecommunication markets. Another stream of his work has focused on measurement of casual effects. He has studied the application of Regression discontinuity designs to marketing, and causal installed base effects in social contexts. In recent work, he has been looking at causal effects in online advertising. A particular area of interest for Sridhar is the application of Bayesian econometric methods to problems in marketing and empirical industrial organization.
Sridhar Narayanan is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. He received his PhD from the University of Chicago in 2005 and has been at Stanford since July 2005. Before his PhD, he worked as a Sales and Marketing manager at Unilever, after receiving a BE in Electrical Engineering and an MBA, both from the University of Delhi, India.
Sridhar's research has been published in the leading journals of marketing, such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research and Quantitative Marketing and Economics.
Sridhar teaches MBA elective courses on Marketing Analytics and a PhD course on Bayesian methods. Previously he also taught the core Marketing Management course and an elective course on Green Marketing in the MBA program.
Academic Degrees
PhD, 2005, University of Chicago
MBA, 1997; BE, 1995, University of Delhi, India
Professional Experience
At Stanford since 2005.
Area Sales Manager, Unilever India, 1997–2000.
Selected Publications
- Estimation of Causal Installed Base Effects: A Bias Correction Approach: Journal of Marketing Research (forthcoming), 2011
- An Empirical Analysis of Individual Level Casino Gambling Behavior: Quantitative Marketing and Economics (forthcoming), 2010
- Identifying Causal Marketing Mix Effects using a Regression Discontinuity Design: Marketing Science (forthcoming), 2010
- Heterogeneous Learning and the Targeting of Marketing Communication for New Products: Marketing Science, 2009
- Discrete Choice Models of Firms' Strategic Decisions: Marketing Letters, 2008
- ROI Implications for Pharmaceutical Promotional Expenditures: The Role of Marketing Mix Interactions: Journal of Marketing, 2004
- Understanding Firm, Physician and Consumer Choice Behavior in the Health Care Industry: Marketing Letters, 2005
- Temporal Differences in the Role of Marketing Communication in New Product Categories: Journal of Marketing Research, 2005
- The Role of Self Selection, Usage Uncertainty and Learning in the Demand for Local Telephone Service: Quantitative Marketing and Economics (forthcoming), 2007
Working Papers
- 2079: Bayesian Estimation of Discrete Games of Complete Information
- 2003R1: An Empirical Analysis of Individual Level Casino Gambling Behavior
- 2039R: Identifying Causal Marketing-Mix Effects Using a Regression Discontinuity Design
- 2076: Estimating Causal Installed-Base Effects: A Bias-Correction Approach
Courses Taught
- Member: INFORMS