Stefan Nagel
Associate Professor of Finance
Phone: (650) 724-9762
Email: [email protected]
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Academic Areas: Finance
Professor Nagel’s research spans topics in asset pricing, behavioral finance, and the study of financial crises. His current research examines the formation of subjective expectations and risk preference and the role they play in the formation of booms and busts in asset prices. He also studies the role of liquidity in financial crises.
Professor Nagel has won various awards and fellowships, among them the Smith-Breeden Prize of the American Finance Association for the best paper in the Journal of Finance in 2004 and the Fama/DFA prize for the best asset pricing paper in the Journal of Financial Economics in 2006 (first prize) and 2010 (second prize). He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research, an associate editor of the Journal of Finance and the Review of Finance, and he has served as reviewer for the top finance and economics journals.
Professor Nagel teaches an MBA elective course on Financial Markets and Empirical Finance in the PhD program. He received his PhD from the London Business School, and he had been a visiting doctoral student at MIT. Before joining the Stanford GSB, he also spent a year as a lecturer at Harvard University.
Academic Degrees
PhD, London Business School, 2003; MS (equiv.), Univ. of Trier, 1999; MBA, Clark Univ., 1998; BS (equiv.), Univ. of Trier (Germany), 1995
Professional Experience
At Stanford since 2004. Lecturer in Economics, Dept. of Economics, Harvard Univ., 2003-4; Intern, Mercedes-Benz, 1995; Intern, Deutsche Bank, 1994.
Selected Publications
- Evaporating Liquidity: Review of Financial Studies v. 25(7), 2012
- Estimation and Evaluation of Conditional Asset Pricing Models (with Ken Singleton): Journal of Finance v.66(3), June 2011
- Depression Babies: Do Macroeconomic Experiences Affect Risk Taking? (with Ulrike Malmendier): Quarterly Journal of Economics v.126(1), February 2011
- A Skeptical Appraisal of Asset Pricing Tests (with Jonathan Lewellen and Jay Shanken): Journal of Financial Economics v.96(2), May 2010
- Carry Trades and Currency Crashes (with Markus Brunnermeier and Lasse Pedersen): NBER/Macroeconomics Annual v.23, 2008
- Do Wealth Fluctuations Generate Time-Varying Risk Aversion? Micro-Evidence on Individuals' Asset Allocation (with Marcus Brunnermeier): American Economic Review v.98(3), June 2008
- The Conditional CAPM Does Not Explain Asset Pricing Anomalies (with Jonathan Lewellen): Journal of Financial Economics v.82(1), November 2006
- Hedge Funds and the Technology Bubble (with Markus Brunnemeier): Journal of Finance v.59(5), 2004
Awards and Honors
- FAMA.DFA Best Paper Prize (Second Prize), 2010, Journal of Financial Economics
- Fama/DFA Best Paper Prize (First Prize), 2006, Journal of Financial Economics
- Smith-Breeden Best Paper Prize, 2004, Journal of Finance
Courses Taught
- FINANCE 327: Financial Markets
- FINANCE 625: Empirical Asset Pricing
- Associate Editor: The Journal of Finance (2011 - present)
- Associate Editor: The Review of Finance (2011 - present)
- Research Fellow: National Bureau of Economic Research (2005 - present)
- Member: American Finance Association (2001 - present)
- Member: Western Finance Association (2001 - present)
- Member: European Finance Association (1999 - present)
- Member: German Finance Association (2001 - present)
In The Media
- Bubbles Old and New: Economists Wrestle with a Theoretical Impossibility, International Herald Tribune